
You’re only proving her point with your sheltered, ignorant, elitist, out-of-touch comments about how she’s not smart enough or humble enough to join your feminism club. I suggest you take a step back to think about how you’re the type she’s repudiating in her comments and why that’s problematic and how you can be


Pssssst. Your racism is showing.

You’re new here, aren’t you.

Firey hot! Of course it would be a good and decent thing for her to do, but I can’t hold her accountable for it, personally. Her brother committed the crimes, not her.

That’s not how that works. Your neighbor is a nightmare.


Sit-ON sea kayaks I know do. Seems like it would defy buoyancy to have a hole in the bottom of a boat, but I haven’t been in a sit-in kayak since I was in single digits.

So the kayak would have had to flip to fill with water through the plug hole, which would have been massively abetted by the huge seat opening that was already there by design.

Do sit-in kayaks even have a plug in the bottom to drain water?

Even better. People laugh at him. I guarantee you he’s more afraid of being laughed at than hit.


Him sacrificing his life for a smidgen of a chance that Rose would survive is exactly the kind of romantic drivel that 1) fits within the overall sappy and silly storyline (so it actually works, tbh), 2) Cameron loves, 3) made Titanic so popular especially with teenage girls, and 4) makes us continue to talk about it

Yes, and the door was slightly submerged with even just her on top, so with both on they would have both been partially under water anyway. And there was only one lifejacket.

Kamakura is a day trip from Tokyo and very worthwhile.

What were you expecting from Twitter? DECENCY? Oh sweet summer child.

Oh my! I did not need that visual and yet, here it is.

I don’t think Jezebel is for you, son.

And over dog poop specifically, it should be a fecal fracas.

Yup. Open concept is less about getting to be social and more about getting to not have people in your way. Cause let’s be honest, someone always tries to talk to you while you’re in the kitchen.