Your Artie pic is everything to me. It looks like something some heartsick 13 year old glued to her world history binder.
Your Artie pic is everything to me. It looks like something some heartsick 13 year old glued to her world history binder.
I dig it. Are you any particular character or person?
Goddammit you just made me want a child whyyyyyy I’ve been doing so good not getting maternal instincts!!
Holy shit. People would pay $$$$$ for that.
If she is, it’s the worst and laziest interpretation of all time. I doubt the woman who was this last year:
Come on, man, it is definitely NOT traditional to wish someone a happy birthday on a day other than their date of birth, i.e. the date on which they were born (give or take a couple days for those early and late wishers).
But how many in the audience do think even know that the Titanic was a real ship with real people who really died?
D: Seems like YOU could have written a scary story for Jezebel!
I was like “sexual assault without intercourse”? How does that work? CLICK. Oh fuck me and my curiosity.
Aw thanks!
It’s honestly both that scariest and funniest thing to ever happen to me.
Cannot blame you for that!!
a post calling for the hanging of Michelle Obama for treason
Oh hey I’m super famous now. Thanks, Madeleine! Hope you enjoyed my story :)
100%. The double also has a booty...
This disgusts but somehow does not surprise me.
“forever free listen to me this my solemn voooooooow!!”
I don’t think the point right now is necessarily to open an investigation and get reparations for victims (that’s not even what Corey is looking for, although that would be awesome), so much as to out abusers, have them removed from the positions of power they are using to have access to victims, shame them to death,…
AMEN. Can’t squeeze a dick in edgewise in this position now can ya.
I did all the D.A.R.E. songs in school and look how well I turned out. No gangs or street drugs for this gal!