
It’s the only one they’ve gotten. Let them have it. /s

And... just maybe... his love of Trump? I WENT THERE

And it will mostly be irrelevant to the lawsuit at hand, which is a rather rote lawsuit in the music business. Beyonce wasn’t right to use the sample and should definitely pay up, but fuck if people won’t use any opportunity to shit all over her for all sorts of unrelated nonsense.

I personally have a thing for drops. Love me some Tower of Terror. And once you realize that planes are built to withstand FAR greater forces than even bad turbulence, it becomes fun instead of scary. Then your main fear will be spilling your 10 dollar plastic cup of red wine all over you.

I would take all the turbulence over a shitty seat neighbor.

I don’t think they give out sedatives or any kind of medication for safety reasons, but you can bring your own.

I gotchu

And you emote improperly if you’re a bad actress.

Don’t recall if this is discussed in the TV series, but the Unsullied are deprived of both the meat and the potatoes.

Now playing

Her facial expression never changes because that’s what she thinks it means to act “steely”. Everything she does is cranked to 11 and it comes off as cartoony. She knows no subtlety.

I think that particular link is parodying the “godly” hair style classes, but the hair style classes do in fact exist. Bible verses are used to instruct women (and men!) how they should present themselves, usually for maximum femininity and masculinity, respectively.

Right, I mean there could be reasons to let your cat outside, but “because my house is a prison” is the most ridiculous and self-projecting one I have ever heard.

Aww did I hurt your feelings? Didn’t know trolls had feelings. Bye!

You... are also human (?) and are under the impression you know what a cat enjoys so..... nice self own there.

Treat puzzles are great (and cheap) ways to keep your cats entertained and fed. We put their food in multiple puzzles.

If that’s your indoor environment, you’re doing it wrong. You can make an extremely stimulating and fulfilling life for your cat indoors, if you just think about it and spend a little money. Give them perches, give them scent soakers, give them treat puzzles, give them edible plants, give them window seats, give them

And every single one of my childhood cats out in the suburbs died before their 7th birthday. They got hit by cars, or they just disappeared, probably killed/eaten by dogs, coyotes, or cougars.

..... s/he says, saying something completely absurd.

Global Beet was just making a quip about a recent event. If you were an actual regular on Jezebel (I have my doubts) you’d know that cross-post references are a bit of a thing. I thought it was apt and funny.

So you’re jumping down Global Beet’s throat because they didn’t “move on” from the Beyonce hate the way you did?