

They use the world as their toilet anyway.

This woman is my fucking HERO. The world needs more Herrons.

Trump or someone in his circle released these papers themselves to distract folks and misdirect them


1) Your grandma’s dilapidated oven from the 1970s.

Yup. I bet if he had a 22 year old son instead of a daughter, he’d be rooting for him to get with a 30 year old woman.

Any kind of covert surveillance is creepy, whether it’s nefarious spank material or not.

Only of old white bedsheets and rope.

He just doesn’t understand why all these women are going to PP with a bun in the oven.

You need to work on your reading comprehension. And basic life skills.

Dude —>EVERYBODY<— needs healthcare.

Why? It’s problem-solving!

OK, that makes sense from the insurance perspective. I couldn’t find in any of my reading why employers would want that information, except to discriminate, which is illegal. I’d like to add that HIPAA only applies to medical information coming from a covered entity, i.e. a healthcare provider or related group. So, if

Hey, cheer up! Donna Howard (D-Austin) is advocating for women’s rights in that state, and the Texas Observer seems to be holding a fire to Tinderholt’s feet, albeit a tiny one. For example, this beautiful bit of copy:

It’s Texas, so I bet it just makes him seem “folksy”. Plus like, when the interview is otherwise full of this senseless dribble:

OK, I get that they might want to look for predisposition to some diseases, but I fail to see how they could legally act on that information. What is the point?

Yes, because the threat of being charged with murder stops people from committing all sorts of crimes of passion.

Verbal, from the Texas Observer:

What if the rungs on the ladder to heaven are penises? Would that work?