Wait... what’s wrong with “enamored with”?
Wait... what’s wrong with “enamored with”?
They literally put a sexual predator in the highest office of our country, sooooooooooo
Because his real answer would not have been “yes” or “no”, but “go back to being men” and he can’t really say that out loud on TV. Yet.
I can’t stand even a single hair in my face. This is clearly a torture device.
Nice try. No way they’d allow a bare arm.
What part of it?
OK, let’s separate age of consent and pedophilia for a second. Pedophilia is a psychological phenomenon in which adults are attracted to prepubescent children. Is every person who lusts after a 15 year old a pedophile? Not necessarily. Some 15 year olds are very developed and hide their age. Is every person who lusts…
Honey, no amount of glue is going to keep my flow at bay.
Are you one of the many men of a certain age that can no longer hold their pee in? Just glue your dickhole shut! When you want to relieve yourself, just forcibly urinate to release the glue. No pain! I promise!
Exactly. Do you believe that women are equal to men and should have control over their own bodies and be evaluated based on their merits and not on their genitals? Great! You’re a feminist! This is why men can be feminist too.
You just live your life. Don’t listen to this horrid self-hating self-contradicting bitch. Feminism is about equality and choice. The very act of making choices about your marriage is feminist, and makes marriage a more feminist institution. No one’s forcing you into it. No one’s forcing you to do it a certain way.…
You must conform yourself to the rigid ideals of this particular woman in order to be the right kind of feminist who does not conform herself to the rigid ideals of the patriarchy!
Aww thanks! I’m making the internet a place where one can make jokes at the expense of pedo apologists. Yay! (Psst I’m talking about you and Milo, which is why I equated you to each other. Plus I’m still not 100% sure you’re not him.)
“Irrationally anti-pedo.” Dude... examine yourself.
M.... Milo?
Lazy pseudointellectualism. The idea that only they have considered the flip side that no one ever thought of before and are therefore intellectually superior.
As far as I can tell, it’s Hundreds, Tens, and Ones for helping the kids do addition/subtraction. Back in my day we did it without any fancy schmancy grids!
OMG it’s so bad. I have a Master of Science and I was looking at it going what the fuck are they even asking for? What does the “missus” and the “Big House” and the “Annual Picnic” have to do with anything and who is this ambiguous “them”?
Yeah that would suck. They’d need to keep the blade nice and sharp. I mean, if we’re going to murder people, we might as well do it right... right?