Thanks...unfortunately didn’t realize that until I saw the rest of their comment history.
Thanks...unfortunately didn’t realize that until I saw the rest of their comment history.
We all live in a white capitalist patriarchy. Whats your damn point. Do you want to execute all white male babies or something to prevent them from becoming racist misogynists? You’re a fucking nutcase.
So we now hate all children who are white males now because of what we think they’ll grow up to be? Fuck off. He’s done absolutely nothing to deserve that and he’s a CHILD for fucks sake, you piece of shit.
I believe it was the University of Minn’s marching band. I was in marching band in college so I can’t imagine how cool of an experience that must’ve been for them (playing or not).
Its funny? *also short*
What does she need free publicity for? She doesn’t have a recent album, and her past 2 albums were fairly low key and she didn’t promote them heavily nor has she heavily promoted herself in recent years. And your last statement is so eyeroll enducing that I won’t even comment on it.
You said nothing offensive. You simply pointed out that they share a physical resemblance to one another...not sure what the big deal is about that. I’m half southeast asian and half white, and look very Italian because of it. I don’t get all offended if someone says that I resemble a different race...who gives a…
Not everyone does that. Many people I know prefer to leave the DND sign up for the length of the stay (especially if its only a couple days). I sure don’t “freshen my linens” at home that often, so why should I care if that’s done daily.
“God i hate you liberals so much” Then why are you even HERE, an extremely obviously liberal blog? I don’t go on breitbart or whatever and start ranting about conservatives. Go the hell away.
I would hope that’s painfully obvious?
And I’m sure in real life you wouldn’t have shared this awful opinion of yours. Try saying what you’ve said above to your friends (especially those that are animal lovers) and see how much they change their opinion of you.
For fucks sake not everyone lives in Louisiana.
I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean. Point is you’re a fucking psycho that wants shelter animals to die. Check yourself and fix your messed up brain.
I have no words, except that I think you’re a psychopath devoid of empathy and you should maybe get that checked out.
I can’t even begin to touch on the fucking downright ignorance in this post.
I clicked this because I thought it was a book about cats :(
Who gives a fuck if they’re “children”. If they’re tormenting another child to the point that the other child may kill themselves, than they don’t get a pass. They need to be taught a lesson and quick, and that’s literally the ONLY way to get through. I punched a bully in the stomach in second grade and he didn’t…
Google Maps is the standard for pretty much everyone who uses navigation. Discussion not “done”, you incorrect garbage human.
“But a human life is worth that of - what, 10, 100, 1000 puppies?” the fuck? Humans suck and are not even worth 1 puppy. Get out of here, animal hater.
Thank you for responding to my post from FOUR years ago which I barely remember typing and honestly don’t agree with that much anymore. You can go fuck yourself too I guess?