
I hate to nit, but heat is energy, so this sentence "We already have devices that convert heat into energy" would better read something like "We already have devices that convert waste heat into electrical energy."

@MarcusMaximus: Data is data. Why must we pay extra for voice and data when the voice actually is just data? I don't care if it's a toaster, if it connects with a data plan it should have some voice calling data capability if only through a Bluetooth port for a headphone or something. The only reason I can think of

How is the measurement calibrated? Do I also need to send them a photo of my beautiful blue eyes each time?

@wrusse3: I'm pretty sure the author was referring to the war on drugs...

@jbboehr: It sure doesn't buy you much explorin' outside of the neighborhood!

Dude in photo #2 is doing some serious dance moves!

If you're a guy your naughty bits are good at absorbing 900 MHz RF energy. Stick with the 2.4 GHz equiipment and boxer briefs.

Large companies have been cutting research that doesn't have the promise of contributing directly to a product in the next couple of quarters for decades. Instead such research is often farmed out to universities where it much cheaper and less risky to the bottom line, but that's also why you don't have great

Not for claustrophobic babies!

I wonder if it tasted like chicken?

May I be of assistance?

It's a dipsh*t challenge!

What's probably happening is that the cave is shielding the phone from noise and interference from every direction other than in the direction of the cell tower you are accessing (towards the cave entrance). By lowering the noise the sensitivity of the receiver in the phone is increased and you get better reception.

In Falling Down the plates read DFENS

It's not a decent cell phone if it doesn't have a pull out antenna!

Those aren't little girly frogs.

It's a Vertipervert!

How many ounces of celsium are on the planet? I don't think I've ever hear of celsium! It must be rare.

Marmot + Nerf Football