
The old 55 mph hour limit did hardly anything to lower increases in oil demand. About the only thing that has ever lowered oil use are the present high prices resulting in a 2.5% use reduction. (Bad economies also have a similar effect.) That's not to say that the high prices are a good thing but that was the result.

I was seriously going to look into getting an Acadia to replace the old 1994 Rodeo Isuzu - until I saw the price. Maybe you could get one for $40kish bare bones but the dealers add so many options that the sticker prices are more like $46k. Ouch. Of course maybe you could swing a half decent deal in today's world but

I thought it was well known that Superman had to give up his super powers in order to nail Lois Lane, lest his spermies riddle Lois Lane with holes like a billion microscopic black holes passing through her body. Wasn't that in Superman II? Sometime in the 80's?

Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru! I'll be home soon!

"Four on the floor?" Uh, what does that mean?

Their town meetings are archived on-line in Quicktime streaming format. They should be a real hoot to watch!

Oh yeah, Milwaukee is a lot safer - except when the gangs of teenagers beat some random person on the street to death. To the High Life!

You just know the driver has a huge smile on his face under that helmet.

Our family had a 1960 Buick Electra with this transmission. In 1974 it became nearly impossible to have the tranmission repaired. Sadly the Buick was traded in on a new 1974 Super Beetle which ended up being nothing but trouble.

Some nice Mach 5 number stickers would be nice.

Das ist both existential und Das Bootish.

Is it just me or would it have been fun to see Storm Troopers and Darth Vader rolling around on those things in the halls of the Death Star? Maybe they'll also have some in the next Star Trek movie, along with the Aptera.

The best part of that car is the ability to maneuver around those stupid circular planters they put in the middle of intersections in residential areas. Oh sure, it might slow down the drag racers a little bit, but isn't that the most stupid place to put an obstacle in a road - actually an obstacle for two roads at

If he had the receiving end of the monitor in his room he probably doesn't need to worry. If he had the transmitting end of the monitor in his room maybe he needs to worry. If he's really worried he shouldn't be conducting business in his hotel room.

Ooops, the U of I project only used one large AC motor. I think it was around 80 HP or so but I'm not completely sure of that right now. I might still have some paperwork in my files about this effort.

I always preferred the Ben's Auto Sales commercials.

Alas, I traded in my 99 4-cyl Accord on a 2007 Vette. I think I may have enjoyed driving the Accord more. How sad is that?

Mine was a 1985 2M6 auto. Until it had the exhaust manifold recall the engine would die when slowing to a stop in 95 degree or higher temperatures. It became strangley unstable on the highway if the asphalt had a hint of ruts, it sucked gas like a Hummer, and it had terrible blind spots. On the other hand it had