
Seyah Mailliw reportedly escaped the incident with no injuries.

Bob Costas wanted to compete, but had to dropout since you can't be on a high horse.

When police arrived, they had to first contend with a laughing brown dog.


I got nothing.

I wouldn't worry too much about Freeman reaching stage 2 of the drug program, as that would require showing progress.

This Foodspin needs more cursing.

Bucs Owner: You think we will have any trouble with the blackout?

You didn't catch what he said. Twitter exploded.


Based on everything I know about the Tampa region, I'm pretty sure "vote" means "see how far they can punt".

Come on, Sean. You've got to include the entire headline:

1. Unsweetened green

These billboard idiots understand the power of propaganda, but eventually they will be seen to be on the wrong side of history. The last time a Pro-Pot movement was allowed to expand unfettered, 2 million Cambodians died.

You oat to stop with that kind of nonsense.

You guys don't need to keep giving him flax

I guess they just didn't want to go against the grain.