
@avclub-97b2d5e5f92c333976018236d76658d9:disqus — So, "Friend Jail" = Columbia House Record Club ?

No, that's Flying Eagle. Crazy Talk's in Moosylvania on vacation.

Chekhov's machete…

Regular sized Rudy.

Sometimes that Bob Benson, he looks right into you. Right into your eyes. You know the thing about Bob, he's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at you, he doesn't seem to be living. Until he bites you and those black eyes roll over white.

The person with their arm out in the opening credits is a silhouette because it could be anyone.
Except Ethel Utz. 

A great, biting line. And Moss is one of my favorites.   …but
did anyone else have a problem with the very long shot after that line, of Peggy and Ted?
Moss - not peggy - looks befuddled and lost, like she's vamping til the camera moves off… 
it's so uncharacteristically off.

Here comes the Robocop statue!  
Policing up and down the square…

@avclub-525f76574b3a2a5bcb4da793c92a16fb:disqus And THAT'S why we never leave the back door unlocked.

I for one, can't wait for the hour long special where The Doctor sits alone under a lamp in the Tardis, eating bananas and watching his own old adventures on TV.


@avclub-f6200f1070520617ac55cacf7b146c53:disqus Shut up, Whedon!

@avclub-f6200f1070520617ac55cacf7b146c53:disqus Shut up, Whedon!

And again. Yes. This.  MILES!

And again. Yes. This.  MILES!

He was the highlight of that show.  When Roberts showed up on screen during walking dead I sat up and shouted "Miles! It's Miles!" with a goofy delight that bewildered my gf.

He was the highlight of that show.  When Roberts showed up on screen during walking dead I sat up and shouted "Miles! It's Miles!" with a goofy delight that bewildered my gf.

I'm going to go on record as saying she could have more chemistry with an actual block of wood than with BVBJ.   Not digging that actor, me.  Though in fairness he has nothing to do…. but in more fairness, if a writer is not going to give an actor anything to do, how about they do viewers a favor and murder that

I'm going to go on record as saying she could have more chemistry with an actual block of wood than with BVBJ.   Not digging that actor, me.  Though in fairness he has nothing to do…. but in more fairness, if a writer is not going to give an actor anything to do, how about they do viewers a favor and murder that

Also I really wanted Jon to go out in the station - y'know, for the pathos.