
Those Jews. They even “take” word assets from innocent posts.

College and heaven...two places better than this fucking school.

Yes, they thought they were special. Turns out they weren’t. could leave it to it’s rightful owners: the raccoons and feral cats that once infested its floors and walls.

It’s your choice, of course. You can be remembered as an average schlumpf, brooding over her (?) phone. Or you can be remembered as a lady, who politely and charmingly eviscerates him.

It’s similar, feeble explanation to when an acquaintance of someone who has done an appalling crime says “that’s not the [name of criminal] I know!” Yeah, well. You didn’t know much.

Yes, just when they leave and enter the room.

I do understand what you’re saying in re. POTUS v royalty. However, if you are visiting someone’s home or office (and the White House, I gather, is both), and aren’t a close friend or family member, you’re supposed to ask/be given permission to sit down, which of course is instantly granted/taken. Unless you want to

The self-tanner abuse is still at frightening levels.

Not at disagreeing with what you say, but it seems likely she also has some mental issues that it is improbable she will ever deal with.

Never apologize for coming out against hairspray abuse. I lived through the ‘80s, and saw some things, man...

Say, can you give me the names of some organized atheists, or maybe some tips? Because I’m in disarray. Sometimes I think there’s no God, and sometimes I believe there’s no God. It’s crazy.

And that snafu couldn’t have happened to two more appropriate people. :D

I’m better off for suckitsweets doing her thing, thanks. But then, I don’t think things like spelling are optional, especially for professional writers, or gently pointing out easily fixable errors is being a bitch. Telling people to STFU on a communication medium, however, is.

Honestly, small loss. Trump’s press conferences are about as enlightening as locker room interviews.

Now playing

On the plus side, he did inspire P.G. Wodehouse’s character Sir Roderick Spode, leader of the English Black Shorts and SPOILER lingerie designer.

Other cultures, like China and the Islamic Middle East are not so sure about that, or at least are not as extreme. It seems Canada, U.S. and the UK are at the top of the scale, and then only for the last 150 years or so. And as much as I like animals, being good or great without a lot choice is questionable. Of

Not aiming this at you, or anyone in particular, but I find the taboo against pretend-harming animals in a movie interesting and strange, when many audience members have no problem with humans being killed and mutilated — and in fact, find it damn fine entertainment (see Haneke’s Funny Games. It really pissed several

Does it make it more palatable that (SPOILER if you don’t know anything about the movie) the dog is David’s brother, who failed the test, and chose to be a dog?