
Once again, religion poisons everything, and everyone. To weenies who say “why are you so meeeeean? What harm does religion do?”: this, and much, much more, is what happens when religion is given free reign.

Yeah, TMZ. Way to backtrack without seeming to.

So are we all, Nicole. So are we all.

My idea is that they wanted more money, they didn’t get it, and they’re making the best of the situation by trying to gain activist cred.

I’m always surprised when people from the U.S. know about anything happening outside their own state. Their news media is mostly oriented that way.

No amount of integrity will make up for ignorance; the ignorance of a lifetime, it appears.

They’re coming oh so close to the democratic ideal of anyone being able to become president.

Given the population of South Carolina is nearly 70% white, the odds would seem to be in your favour.

What? Publications that predicted their relationship’s imminent demise for 10+ years and Brad’s return to Jennifer are not convincing? Next you’ll say a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Yikes! That’s nasty.

What is outdated? Greed? Someone better tell the Kardashians.

Time to bring it back, then. For obvious reasons.

Assuming this Kardashian incident is real, and not just another dramatic segment promoting their brand...has everyone forgotten the manners rule that family members don’t host baby or bridal showers? (I’m going on the theory that “in-laws” of unmarrieds count as family, these days.)

I would prefer to wear the real thing, if that was the choice.

Wow. Who coulda predicted this?

In fairness, you probably were (as a class) spoiled and not as smart as you thought you were -- what high school class is? But there are charming ways to get students over that, without berating them.

Why, you sentimentalist you. ;)

You seem to imply that they can’t change him. Astonishing. I Can Change Him/It Will Be Different This Time is the basis of a good ten percent of the relationships I see around me.

It it known where Nick Gordon is? I hope someone in authority has his passport, but since this is a civil case, that is unlikely.

Well, someone hates history, because “reimaginings” or whatever you want to call them are virtually all we’re getting recently. Creation is the only movie I can recall off the top of my head where the producers made a real effort to be accurate, and that was from 2010. Don’t even get me started on television (I don’t