
And what about all the Photoshoppers? I hope they’re getting credit here.

One of my sources is Daniel Defoe’s Journal of the Plague Year, which is based on newspaper and other accounts of the Great Plague in 1665 London. I don’t know if Pepys himself saw any portents in the sky, but it’s possible. People have always seen omens and other weird shit above, but exactly what they think it is

That’s rough. And then the second movie came out. Yeesh.

Thank you! I blush.

Now playing

Like Eric Idle. I think that’s what he’s getting at in this sketch.

These things seem to come as trends. In Samuel Pepys’s time, blazing crosses in the sky were commonplace. Where are they now? The market for them is flat.

Pretty much every profession gets that. I’m a reporter/market researcher. All the comments, thoughts, and “funny” jokes that instantly came to mind? Can guarantee I’ve heard them all, 100 times. I’m particularly fond of that one Jerry Seinfeld/Larry David came up with 20 years ago....

I’ll say. Jaden’s never looked better.

I say yeah, in all but name, which would harm their marketability — Will’s no fool. If you follow the kids’s tweets, interviews, etc., their thoughts are very much in line with L. Ron’s teachings. A friend of mine has an aunt, a niece, and a nephew who are Scientologists, who spout off the same things, almost word for

As likely as not, you do have a booger hanging from your nose.

We all knew, inside, that trying to show Vaxxed was not all about debate and “teaching the controversy”.

What should Rachel Dolezal’s book be titled? I’m going with: Not Black Like Me.

I’m not sure why I was surprised, because, well, Kardashians. But this makes me feel sick.

I’d feel more sorry for her if she hadn’t posted her struggles on Instagram for the world to see and applaud.

What the hell? Toronto, you’re better than that. Zara, you’re not. I only wish the items I’d bought from you were professional enough not to start falling apart after a few washings.

Sorry, unable. However, if you go to Google Images and put in “cats in socks” there are many pictures of people wearing them. Most likely one of them will lead to a webpage where they may be procured. :)

Though I support the right of all cats to choose socks, no cat should have socks imposed upon them.

As I’m an atheist, you’ll get no arguments from me there. However, it depends on how people’s irrational beliefs take them. If someone talks to God and believes He’s telling her to launch nuclear weapons to bring on Armageddon, or believes in U.F.O.s and a sordid conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of

It says a lot (I’m not sure what) in these days of internet concern, that no one seems particularly concerned about the possible future president of the United States being associated with these types beliefs.

I’m trying to think of what I would say to the children as a parent, or even an agent, as to why their picture got pulled, and why they’re probably going to get unpleasant social media attention.