
The decision to expel him was made on Feb. 10, 2016, and a week later the UWC chose not to hear Montague’s appeal of the decision, according to sources familiar with the facts of the case.

Do you think Hudson spends all week writing these monologues, then recites them in front of a mirror, jerking off to the sweet sounds of his own voice?

Mejia: But I was set up, man!

The question really just came out wrong. What he meant to ask was:

Thank God that Dan Ring was there to cover it. If he wasn’t I’d have never seen what transpired, due to Matt Collins’ inability to record videos of things that aren’t in shitty vertical format.

That’s EPIC highlight truther-ing

Never seen anything like C.Anthony? Remind you of Gerald Henderson/ Kris Humphries, who had a short but brilliant run in NBA?

Starting now I am banning anybody that mentions traveling.

It’s articles like this that make it hard for me to go outside.

Man, must be something in the water.

I’ll bet more people could do what Kanye does than what LaTroy did.

This summer, I vacationed in Vermont and everywhere I went there were signs that said “Grade A Maple Syrup.” So one afternoon, I went into one of the stores and took a few samples. I honestly didn’t know where to begin! The A-F scale seems played out, and I didn’t want to be pretentious about it, like Pitchfork, and

As someone whose office bathroom has an odd number of urinals, I can tell you that middle relievers should all be summarily executed.

Yeah, but LaTroy Hawkins made his $47,462,500 at $14.00/hour.

Looks like he will be needing a dab of lotion in his future


Goddamn psych majors.

"I used to watch Scrubs after school every day."