
I was kidding lol.

Waldau is white. Derp.

Wow. Really? That hurts. First divorce and then my generation? Seriously? I would actually say Republicans/alcoholics/domestic abusers/wife rapers/husband rapers/incest people. But fuck you too.

I was in a relationship with a nutty chick a few years back who would constantly, CONSTANTLY, try and have a sit down discussion once a week with me, about the things we needed to work on in our relationship, and things that were positive. This included sex. Worse: She had 3-4 sex tapes, I was unaware of, and she

Unfortunately, author also forgot to include the idea of "Alpha" and actually what "Beta" really means. If marriages were truly "beta" as in the technical terminology, it would mean we'd have friends sending in feedback, constantly asking us questions, probing our relationships, watching us have sex, offering tips to

Chris O'Dowd hugged me once. Because he was in Cardiff and his cell battery was down, and I was on the bus, next to him. And let him use my phone. He used it for like...10 minutes, and I found myself 2 miles past my destination...but it was Roy from IT Crowd so I was totally okay with it. Anyway he hugged me.

Keep trying, maybe someone will star ya' for your efforts to make use of tired old sayings...keep trying.

At first I was like...