
I like the movies but ...

And now M gets you upgraded wheels and a bodykit ...

The XD is a Yaris with room and style. If you are in the market for a puddle jumper that can pull down 40mpg then it is a no-brainer. It might not be an enthusiast car but it does its job damn well. Every college kid should be driving one.

Haha, AGREED !

I laugh my ass off at the guys who buy these and take them out to the track with no idea what they are getting themselves into.

It is sad that this comment is a far better article than the article.

Haha, you think Jalopnik actually still employs enthusiasts? ... That’s cute.

No no, those are Yoots

Completely Ordinary =/= Stock

Statistically there is no difference. People get sick from food borne illnesses no matter what you eat or where it’s from. In the US you are more likely to be killed by lightning than from lettuce.

This is nothing new. Cheap cables have always caused issues. Especially with mini-usb. Heck, the cable you get with a brand new phone from T-Mobile will have your phones USB port broken in just a few months.

Welcome to needing a new starter, alternator, and ignition coil. That is just to start ...

If this mattered at any real level we would see CAFE regulations mandating that all vehicle lights be LED based.

Cobbled together lift - $120

It’s more important to avoid swipe based passcodes (pattern OR numbers) as a skilled attacker (such as the Feds) can simply examine the screen in close enough detail to determine the common patterns of movement from micro-abrasions.

I know this isn’t what you mean but ...

This is pretty standard.

Carson at #3 but doesn’t get a question until more than 16 minutes in ... The farce continues ...

Enabled or disabled, my service quality has taken a nosedive since BingeOn started. Nothing but problems.