
My guess is that most if not all randomized elements are removed, with the effort to focus solely on racers’ skill in racing. However, I would argue that being able to use items for both offense and defense is an integral part of Mario Kart compared to other racing games.

A team of neurologists and surgeons told my wife’s parents that her head injuries from a car wreck were so severe she would never be able to look after herself again, never be able to walk more than a few paces.

Newbies can’t play Ranked- just play Ranked if you wanna play all out! If you’re playing Normal Matchmaking you’re signing up for a less serious game, and hanging out with newbies can be really fun. They have a wide-eyed wonder about the game that’s really refreshing.

Or understand that a game needs influx of new players to stay alive, and that at the end of the day its just a game. Embrace someone trying out a new game, don’t be upset because they don’t have the 1000s hours of game knowledge.

Announcer ruled “golazo.” That judgment is final.

Hello, Omnigamer here. I did the analysis of Dragster. Just wanted to provide a few clarifications.

Limited edition numbered video game lithographs can actually be pretty big investments.

Only Snipperclips is an exclusive, however. I’ll hold off for now.

Or, alternately, “The 8 onliest games for the Nintendo Switch”

This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?

Well at least the weebs will have something different to cry about other than molesting/undressing/romancing underage anime girls.

Before the talent...aka the kids who sit around and do nothing while “the help” set all this crap up for babies to come in and cry about every little thing. They should feel lucky they are even getting a tent, we shouldn’t glorify e-sports as all they are kids playing games and somehow getting paid better and more

While I do kind of get the complaint, “the help is getting their food before the talent!” is kiiiiiind of petty

You also have to consider that the inspector’s phrasing was specifically chosen so as not to induce a widespread panic amongst Fiesta owners. I think he’s really trying to emphasize the fact that this was not a manufacturing error but a modding error.


Except the winner had nothing to do with the change. Not shaking hands just makes you look like an asshole.

Many sports have a rule like this, though. When the next play/match/turn is started, all previous results are finalized even if something is found in error later. NFL/MLB/NHL are this way, can’t challenge or change a play after the next happens. Bowling has the same rules for league/tournament play. If someone bowls

And? Professional athletes deal with real deal cheaters all the time. Under inflated balls, steroids, corked bats. Does the MLB or NFL replay a whole season if one of the champs was on roids? No. Or do the players go into hiding because they are so emotionally scarred? No. The guy had a chance to replay the last game

bunch of babies. That Norcal Regionals situation was somewhat different, with the players actually playing a different patch of the game. Plus, he didnt offer a trip to all teh players, only the one player that had initially won his match, then lost on the runback. This guy saying he is taking a break from the game,