Dr. Giblet

right - and if they really wanted to be mad... be mad at the “Spaulding Basketball” piece. THAT is total garbage. :)

So there is a long history of having a “master” artist with many apprentices who would help do the work, but the master would do the finishing touches and sign it and take all the credit. For example, Michaelangelo didn’t paint the Sistine Chapel all by himself. So Koons employing other artists who don’t get their

I have someone arguing with me that he didn’t give her credit - but the credit was him buying the rights to make it.

Thank you. I like Koons so have no problem defending him. The whole *thing* is making something huge and dropping it in Rockefeller Center. It looks the same as the little ceramic figurine in one regard, but they are not the same thing at all.

It also doesn’t help that this click baity post doesn’t even have photographic proof other than links, or side by side comparisons.

I recently heard an interview with, of all people, Pat Buchanan, who actually suggested that this country is “on the verge of getting a divorce.” And I say, yes...a million times, yes! It’s time to break this nation up and self-segregate based on values on world view. Seriously, would you MISS Republicans living in

My MIL is the same way...the husband asked her what she thought of Trumps’s decision to fire Comey, the person charged with investigating his possibly treasonous ties to Russia and she said, “I think Trump’s doing great!” No words.

Do you ever get a feeling like we’re living in The Pod People movie? There can’t be that many willful idiots out there ... right?

My dad just said that whoever is leaking all of this info should be hanged cause he’s a traitor. I asked him if the subjects of these leaks should also be punished. Of course he was like no. I promptly blew up at him, reminding him he wasn’t worried about the person(s) who leaked the info from the DNC.

Crooked Kushner sounds better.


“Crooked Jared?”

We’d waste even less if we just gave him a list of all the GOP Congressmen and asked him to cross off the ones he hasn’t met with.

We’d really waste less time if we simply required Kislyak to note all of the American politicians with whom he has met. All on one list, yo!

Sergey Kislyak, the most forgettable man in the world.

It’s like storyline porn. A whole lot of build up of torture foreplay just so some people can get murdered. I CANT WAIT.

Haha, you go Angela!!! I find this all kind of depressing....

They look like Sicilian mob widows.

I grew up Catholic and have been to mass given by the Pope at the Vatican; I have never heard of or seen this black veil thing.

And they aren’t Catholic. You’re right, it’s like playing dress up. I hate to criticize their dress since they have every right to wear whatever the fuck they want, but it just seems like an odd choice for two fashion conscious women to wear, basically funeral clothes on a state visit, during the springtime. They just