
What about the actor that played his father, Jake Lloyd/Hayden Christensen/David Prowse/Sebastian Shaw/Bob Anderson/James Earl Jones?


Lowest Hispanic numbers in the history of our country. Lowest numbers for women in 21 years.

Now playing

The only thing I can think of every time I hear something about Belle and Sebastian.

It looks like it skinned the Millennium Falcon and is wearing its hide as a vest.

Wait. Is that both Beckys? How did they explain this?

I was always amazed that, given that there are only, like, two dozen people left alive in the world, anytime anybody tried to drive a car they crashed it.

Benji didn’t get to wear a mask. ☹️

In almost every William Gibson book there is a character who is so rich as to be almost all-powerful. This is the first time that somebody in real life has reminded me of that.

What makes a man go from fighter jock, test pilot, and best-of-the-best astronaut to a quiet life of painting and poetry? Is it the perspective of seeing our planet from so far away? Is it the knowledge that you have unequivocally accomplished the highest goal achievable in your profession? I wish I could recreate

I’m very confused by what the difference is between doing a jump and landing a jump. Does this mean Ito attempted the jump in 1988 but didn’t land it?

Just happens to be where I live. Didn’t mean anything by it. Laboratory of democracy and all.

Know where this doesn’t happen? Open markets. In Colorado we have product recalls when this kind of thing happens.

Maybe they shouldn’t be in the country...

I think the photo for this post used a screen shot from The Office by mistake.

Ball locked! Two more to activate multiball.

Impose penalties on teams and players who do not stand, including a 15-yard penalty

In my state, Colorado, having a firearm in the car does not count as “concealed,” and doesn’t require a permit. Is it different in California?