giant enemy turtle

I am so over the whole concept of “games as service.”

Much like Cube 2: Hypercube, this puzzle was not worth your time unless you're an obsessive fan

If you and your buddy were playing Goldeneye for $1M, I think the situation might be a bit different.

This seems against the spirit of Battle Royale games, especially considering if you go back and watch BR one of the first things people started doing was communicating and forming teams with each other.

The other thing is that if Bungie had a secret 3rd exotic as the reward for Corridors of Time, it would have been found by dataminers beforehand anyway.

I mean, dataminers found The Dawning’s Amenstia-S2 ship with the lore entry about Uldren Sov post-resurrection, 4 or 5 days before this past year’s Dawning event even

This uh...wasn’t a review. 


This is one of the reasons Destiny is bad. Puzzles like this are designed to get people talking rather than playing. The vast majority of the people who play Destiny have absolutely no hope of contributing anything to this. Just the handful of savants who have the time and energy to devote to something like this. They

oh god, don’t get kids on ASMR... next thing you know, they’ll start looking up ASMR on twitch.. and next thing you know, your bank account has charges for 300-1000$ to some Patreon account named “BubbleButtASMR”

Buffy isn’t a good example. That was a dramatic sting to get you to come back for the following episode, “The Body,” which really did do justice to the horrible loss Buffy suffered.

The Body is one of the greatest tv episodes of all time, period.

Now playing

I like how an unproduced script now constitutes a “version” of a movie. All this version is missing is cinematography, music, sound effects, actors, pretty much the whole “audiovisual” element.

The boy is a real herb.

*Looks up articles written by Josh*

Wow. Floored by this piece. I hope you have a good friend that will take you out for drinks and pick your brain for hours about any and all of these paragraphs, because that's pretty much what I want to do after reading it. Keep going. For all our sakes, keep going. 

I would like to challenge Jim Spanfeller to a fight. My DMs are open, Jim.

You’re really going to differentiate between all the darn iterations of the same systems? Seems redundant and disingenuous.

A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.