giant enemy turtle

Counterpoint: This game was super fun. Sorry your nostalgia has so much salt on it.

This is something I’ve been thinking about A LOT. To the point that, about a year ago, I started something called “The Neo-Idealist Manifesto” and I feel compelled to share its thesis here.

We need a new literary movement.

I don’t watch sports but I can tell you that the Golden State Warriors are a basketball team and the Raiders are a Football team.

This is a lack of cultural awareness.

Oh god! I’m not ready for that kind of responsibility!! 

But can the dog die!?

This story has made me seriously pause to consider my current career trajectory.

But does the have a taking cat and ride around on a vacuum? Because what’s the point if she doesn’t?

Seen a lot of people pushing Squall/Quistis and no, just, no. That’s statutory, y’all.

I identified much more readily to Zell’s relationship with hot dogs. 

Can you imagine what the MCU would have looked like today if RDJ had called it quits after Iron Man 2.

Hey, you do you. 

Was anyone asking for this? What a weird, weird choice. I would have much rather seen an Infinite Undiscovery remaster. Last Remnant was one of those games that looked cool, but played horrible.

So, Ahamkara confirmed as Raid Boss?

Wish there was more Final Fantasy and less Disney. I remember after the first one having hopes of Final Fantasy “Worlds” in the second.  

Feeling underrepresented? Marginalized? Attacked?

Hm. I wonder if there is a community of people out there that could relate...

I don’t understand why they changed it from D1 in the first place. It wasn’t broken, so why did they try to fix it?

Square needs to take a leaf out of their DQ playbook and return to fundamentals with the inevitable FF16. Open worlds, random battles, and turn-based combat. Persona 5 and DQXI prove that turn-based games can skill be awesome in 2018.

I was actually listening to the soundtrack on spotify today, after having this convo, and there are plenty of string sections. Granted, they are accompanied by piano. 

Eh, I guess everyone is going to react to it differently. But I loved the soundtrack.

So many people here talking about a lack of good RPGs when “I Am Setsuna” was probably BETTER than Chrono Trigger (shake your nostalgia and don’t @ me) it was so beautiful! Tokyo RPG Factory is Square’s RPG arm now, and we need to support them so they can make more beautiful games!