No Melee?! It's still being played to this day! It has godlike status.
No Melee?! It's still being played to this day! It has godlike status.
I think we all saw this coming a mile away. Next a Doodle Jump like title staring Mario.
I’m enjoying it thoroughly with my brothers. Though we do use Skype to talk while we play. Makes things a bit better on communication.
Also a good pick.
The sound of swinging that alien baby always drives me crazy.
They killed his father.
Oh man. This is not news I expected today.
Should have cut the gif after he flew behind the tower! :P
Zero is a monster at Smash 4. I love watching him play. Glad he made a comeback!
No Disney Infinity love? I know it technically came out on August 30th, but it was definitely played a ton in September :D
TAY has a database of great levels too! Don't forget us :[
“This sky is not pretty at all. It’s rough and masculine. Possibly sweaty.”
What about best TAY articles?! :D
Was hoping he would howl along with KK.
They’ve improved it a ton since GC. You may find a lot of it tedious after the magic of the touch screen.
I’m ugly and I’m proud.
Actually Nintendo hasn’t done that for a long time. As Mike pointed out they now shoot for Friday, though before that they usually stuck with the usual Tuesday crowd.
My favorite is when they spoil the game for you in the embargo notes.
Very very cool. Can’t wait to see more.
I means spooky and poopy.