
And that’s fine! I can only speak for myself obviously.

This girl tired everything to get help, yet, they ignored her.

WaPo>Slate/Forbes>Getting hit by a car>Jezebel 

Wait, you mean having pineapple on pizza, or the debate about it?

Seriously asshole?

Glad Miss Trunchbull found work after Crunchem Hall. Those kids are going to be eating a lot of cake.

Why are men allowed to be gynecologists?

Very well written article. However...

I made her the Duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her.”

Awesome! She’ll be mayor, and he’ll be city manager...or KITTY manager!

and shrill, hostile manner

I stopped reading at “shrill.”  I love this code word for “one of many women I hate.”

Male infant circumcision? Female infant piercing? Social norms are why. We would be aghast at a parent having their infant’s belly button pierced but the ears are just fine.

No sympathy. No quarter. They are traitors to our republic enabling and promoting the destruction of our country, rights, values, government, liberty, Constitution and society. These selfish women are working to destroy Roe v. Wade and Brown v. BOE. They want a white supremacist, cruel, divided, bizarro fascist, author

We think it’s ugly. 

That’s a damn shame. I’m not even the big DA fan of the household (I love me some Origins, but past that, I really cannot with the melodrama; my wife loves them all, however, and I’d like to see her be able to finish the journey she’s on), and that sucks.

Someday, someone’s going to hit an executive position at a game

They cannot wrap their minds around their culpability in this world ending atrocity. So they create a delusion in which they played no part in it, or it was someone else’s fault.

“But her paid speeches!” “But Hillary’s the real warmonger!” “But Trump is probably fooling the right- He’s the real liberal!” “But Trump could never be worse than Hillary!”

Can you really write an article about this kinda thing when your own site is bright white?

Star Trek: The Search for Feet