
I weep for their hardship.

Who said that people can’t become better? Or that I don’t believe in that. Of course I do. I just don’t believe that you should expect congratulations and pats on the back for becoming what you should’ve always been.

Then don’t post self-congratulatory comments about how much you’ve changed. You haven’t.

Rogue was better than Unity in terms of writing by leaps and bounds. A true hidden gem, I’d recommend it wholeheartedly over Unity any day every day.

Rogue was an absolute gem, especially compared to Unity and even Syndicate, which although wasn’t actively bad like Unity was quite mediocre.

Child abuse victim here.

I was hit as a child, and I don’t begrudge my mom for doing it, “we all got beat” mentality... I wasn’t abused, it was just the punishment that existed for my culture/times.

Well, there’s the difference between you an me. I don’t emphatize with animal torturers, because I a relatively decent person. You, however, are not, so you emphatize with monsters. A monster smells a fellow monster.

So become one.

As long as you and the likes of you volunteer to be the bulls, I am AAAAAAAAAAALL for it.

That is simply not true. Do some proper research. Young noble women were often married off that young for dynastic reasons, but in the majority of cases the marriage wasn’t consummated until much later. Ordinary women married much, much later. Believe it or not, the ancients weren’t fucking idiots and they were aware

Seek help. Stay the fuck away from children. Stay away from adults. Stay away from everyone until you get fixed, because you are deeply, deeply damaged and dangerous.

That’s cool, give me Tales from the Borderlands S2.

IDK why I hoped Lara would bang Daniel Wu’s character. I am disappoint nonetheless.

My thoughts exactly. Some people are just trash from birth and nothing the parents do can change that. Having two trash children means they are doing something very, very wrong.

Their parents must be a trip. A family having a bad apple does not necessarily mean that the parents did something wrong, but when there are two bad apples they become highly suspect.

And that makes anti-semitism okay? Because the USA is a country that exists in a vacuum and global history matters not? Fucking hell, you Americans and your sense of uniqueness are a fucking trip.

Alternatively: she’s a racist pos, but when she’s right, she’s right.

I look at these kids and I wonder whether they can change anything against the industrial machine that is the gun lobby. They can’t even vote yet. It’s good they are protesting, but would the people they’re protesting against even care?