
Don’t expect much taste or standards or understanding of actual literature from a person reading Cassandra Claire, let alone one who has the gall to speak about her in the same article as TOLKIEN and claim she added something TOLKIEN didn’t have. The notion itself would be hilarious of it wasn’t so sad.

There are a lot of fandoms - where the canon female characters are treated as people, rather than accessories - that massive hetero ships. Visit Mass Effect’s and Dragon Age Inquisition’s tags on AO3 if you don’t believe me.

Christopher Tolkien has spent the majority of his life living off his father’s legacy without accomplishing anything himself. His opinion is irrelevant.

Gita, I had a much better opinion of you, your intelligence, your taste and your reading comprehension. You shit on the LOTR books, claim that Jackson DEVELOPED the characters, when he vastly simplified them so they’d fit in a movie with finite time and then you have the gall to talk about that hack Cassandra Claire

Nope. He’s pretty likeable.

I need him in a gay dating sim. Preferably a very graphic one.

Oh, honey, if you are more concerned about pedophiles than your fellow victims you’re the one in need of help.

Not just a confederate flag but a lynching too? A mural of a hanged man in an elementary school. The fuck is wrong with your country? Do you really want to be Nazis 2.0?

Please explain how raping a 13-year old child is not a violent crime.

I think they separated quite a while ago?

Nothing baseless about the rumours about Richard Armitage, he and Lee Pace were living together for quite a while.

The point is that Michael Harriot is a weak, pathetic loser who demands children to fight his battles.

That man truly is.

You expect children to fight your battles now, do you?

I AM a victim, you dumb fuck. And I am tired of these fuckers being protected by other supposed victims, LIKE YOU.

Punishment doesn’t work.

Fuck off, troll. No abuse victim would advocate to let owners of child pornography scot free.

So people will always commit crimes, therefore there’s no point in the criminal justice systems? And fuck the victims, literally. I am sure that is exactly what you pedos want.

Because society, in this case Japanese society, places no value on the lives and well-being of female individuals of any age. We’re just meat to them.

Actively searching out child pornography creates a market for child pornography which leads to children being sexually assaulted. He IS actively contributing to the rape of children.