Your comments speak for themselves. Whatever, I can tell you get a kick out of abusing and gaslighting abuse victims, since this is what you are doing to me. As I mentioned above, go fuck yourself. Goodbye.
Your comments speak for themselves. Whatever, I can tell you get a kick out of abusing and gaslighting abuse victims, since this is what you are doing to me. As I mentioned above, go fuck yourself. Goodbye.
She has definitely gained weight, but unlike the rest of us ordinary mortals she gains weight in all the right places.
Yes, I am sure that being trans and gaslighting people are mutually exclusive things lol. My bad tho, those poor men around you. :)
Hon, I know gaslighting when I see some, and you’re a master of it. Those poor women around you.
I mean, verbal abuse ain’t real abuse, amirite?
Me too. They were the only ones I felt bad about. That poor horse that got its leg cut off. The other horsey running with the burning cart. Horrible. I comforted myself that it wasn’t for real and the actual horses were fine.
She looked shocked in a “WOW, she really is capable of killing people on a list” kind of way, I didn’t read it as upset though.
Oooh, I a hit a nerve.
The death penalty is not bad enough for this shit.
The problem with that kind of abuse is that society tends to gaslight us a lot about our own experiences. Oh, they never touched you, it wasn’t Real Abuse TM, you’re just being melodramatic/hysterical/attention whore, why don’t you move on/calm down/be mature about it! And so on and so forth. Do not listen to those…
This is not about a fictional character, it’s about how a real life asshole who doesn’t shit about anything characterizes domestic violence. And you can go fuck yourself with your poorly concealed misogynistic dogwhistles too.
Nah. Fuck you.
Fuck you too, asshole.
Have you ever actually been systematically verbally abused? Do you know what it’s like? For years on end, again and again, walking eggshells around your abuser, always thinking about what you say or do, the way you talk, sit, act, BREATHE, thinking how all that you do might make them go off and degrade you for…
This fucking shitweasel. He’s been trash forever and he’s ruined that beautiful game for me. And with his voting he’s ruined a lot more important things for a great many people. Trash.
How the fuck did “He was raised correctly” turn into “My son is perfect” in your brain? How? Those are two completely different statements and if you want to talk about misogyny maybe you should start with looking at yourself.
Some people end up total sociopaths regardless of what you do. Maybe if you spent less time looking for cat gifs and educating yourself instead you would have known this.
*Queen Regnant
So this shitstain is just as misogynistic as he is racist but the word “misogyny” isn’t mentioned anywhere in the article.