“The Dark Souls of marble rolls.”
“The Dark Souls of marble rolls.”
You’re assuming that there will be history classes after WW3. I doubt there will be enough civilization left for that tbh.
As someone who has neither a clit, nor a labia, you really can’t even begin to understand what the fuck you’re talking about. Shut up, MRA troll.
When it comes to comparing the removal of penile foreskin to the removal of a clitoris, I really do not give a fuck about you and your dick.
Unless they cut off the head of your dick it does not even begin to compare to the way these girls’ vulvas were mutilated. Fuck off.
Are they? Or are they a religious zealot with no ability to think critically?
I want to thank you for all these answers. It’s absolutely fascinating for a normal person like me to get a glimpse into the mind of a morally bankrupt, sexually perverse religious zealot with zero sense of empathy and zero ability to think critically beyond the cool aid that’s been fed to you by your cult. Truly…
There are also fewer lesbians than straight women, and yet female Ryders can fuck plenty of female characters, both human and alien, UNLIKE male Ryders fucking gay HUMANS only - and few of them. Your argument is invalid.
Beautiful man. Beautiful gif. Perfect sentiment.
Why would Hillary understand her decision? She stuck by her husband because he still had political clout after the scandal, as damaged as it was, but this guy has nothing but a dick.
For the longest time I felt for her, but girl, he pulled out his dick. With your baby present. And sent a picture of BOTH AT THE SAME TIME to an underage girl. Any woman who is not fucking trash wouldn’t want to be in the same building with this creep, let alone trying to get back with him. That poor child, both his…
Fuck Bioware for not making Jaal a bisexual LI. I was promised a gay alien romance scene. Bioware didn’t deliver. Fuck you Bioware, fuck your eyebrows, and fuck your poorly animated game.
Merlan was this way long, long before trump. She’s always been a MRA plant.
If the end result they cause is the same - actual physical harm - they should be treated the same. Why is this so hard to comprehend?
If I didn’t know any better, and I am questioning whether I do, I’d say that her agenda here is anything but feminism. She sounds like an MRA troll aping feminists.
It doesn’t make her look like an enormous asshole. It makes her look like a MRA plant.
Anna, this article looks and reads a text written by an MRA troll attempting to smear actual feminists. I can’t believe that you think it’s actually helping anyone but MRAs. What is wrong with you?
Anna, I get what you’re trying to do, but this is not helping. You’re not helping. Misleading, false equivalence articles like yours just give more ammo to misogynists.