
Wowzers, so many Xbox games every week! :D

Participation clipping through roofs lol. :P

Oh my! Christmas presents for my 10 year old! He’s gonna love the hell out of these. Need lego sets now. :D

I only really know any Will Smith music from the early to late 80's and never have heard this. Fits better with the commercial imo! :D

Those little tiny controllers will not work for me on the go. My hands are way to big to play on those baby things. The system looks sweet though. :D

Hurray for crazy people.....

Your post shared to Facebook has created quite the stir with fnas of skyrim. :)

Westworld gta article and not a mention of Steven Ogg aka Trevor being in the show?! Tsk Tsk. :p

This should be glorious. Nothing like watching two trains slam into each other at full speed, except I think Clinton’s train will probably just barrel through the Trump Express with a Thomas the Tank Engine face at the front of Clinton’s that has an evil grin on it’s face as it watches the Trump train derail into a

Still more fun than most AAA titles out there however. :D

The same thing I’ve been playing since they came out. XCOM2 and Darkest Dungeon until FFXV releases in November. :D Might try the Resident Evil remake and Transformers Devastation since they were free on PSPLUS.

Mmos. I’m in my mid 30s. I don’t have time for that shit.

Seems like a fart smella’........

I hope this escalates quickly..........

I was waiting for Pence to yell Hail Hydra at the end. I wouldn’t have been shocked honestly.....

I’m 35 Mike with kids and a wife. As much as I’d like to enjoy an MMO at my age I feel like they are geared for a younger demographic with far less responsibility. I also find myself having little to no fun when I try one for a while. I do think FFXIV is magnificent, but the time it takes to invest in such a game

I wanted to grab this on ps4 but it’s just too pricey at what they put it up for. Will grab it when it drops in price but I wonder if they’ll still patch the console version as I hear it has a lot of problems. :(

Forced Universal Celestial Knowledge


No knock it off. :p