Wowzers, so many Xbox games every week! :D
Wowzers, so many Xbox games every week! :D
Participation clipping through roofs lol. :P
Oh my! Christmas presents for my 10 year old! He’s gonna love the hell out of these. Need lego sets now. :D
I only really know any Will Smith music from the early to late 80's and never have heard this. Fits better with the commercial imo! :D
Those little tiny controllers will not work for me on the go. My hands are way to big to play on those baby things. The system looks sweet though. :D
Hurray for crazy people.....
Your post shared to Facebook has created quite the stir with fnas of skyrim. :)
Westworld gta article and not a mention of Steven Ogg aka Trevor being in the show?! Tsk Tsk. :p
This should be glorious. Nothing like watching two trains slam into each other at full speed, except I think Clinton’s train will probably just barrel through the Trump Express with a Thomas the Tank Engine face at the front of Clinton’s that has an evil grin on it’s face as it watches the Trump train derail into a…
Still more fun than most AAA titles out there however. :D
The same thing I’ve been playing since they came out. XCOM2 and Darkest Dungeon until FFXV releases in November. :D Might try the Resident Evil remake and Transformers Devastation since they were free on PSPLUS.
Mmos. I’m in my mid 30s. I don’t have time for that shit.
Seems like a fart smella’........
I hope this escalates quickly..........
I was waiting for Pence to yell Hail Hydra at the end. I wouldn’t have been shocked honestly.....
I’m 35 Mike with kids and a wife. As much as I’d like to enjoy an MMO at my age I feel like they are geared for a younger demographic with far less responsibility. I also find myself having little to no fun when I try one for a while. I do think FFXIV is magnificent, but the time it takes to invest in such a game…
I wanted to grab this on ps4 but it’s just too pricey at what they put it up for. Will grab it when it drops in price but I wonder if they’ll still patch the console version as I hear it has a lot of problems. :(
Forced Universal Celestial Knowledge
No knock it off. :p