
But if your artistic vision for the game has the main character die, and the players don’t like that, you do not in any way owe them a version where they live. That’s not your story, and if players don’t like that, they can suck an egg.  It's not owed to them.

Which is why commissioned paintings are personal, one to one... and exceedingly expensive. When you buy a game you are paying a pittance for something that, in truth, is not a personalized experience. The developers meet their customers in the middle by offering it at a consumable price and doing marketing, research

Ninja Should Stream With Women<em></em>

During a recent Samsung event, Twitch megastar Tyler “Ninja” Blevins said he purposely avoids streaming with “female

Shout out to the Hearst family for smearing Chloe Dykstra and anyone else who actually spoke up about this, never letting us forget that whole family has always been horrible.

adding insult to injury (against Dykestra and any women in his life) is that Hardwick is just a bland, enthusiastic, and supremely boring person who somehow parleyed that into a job. he’s not worth the effort to defend. my heart goes out to Chloe who has to see her abuser’s name splashed over every single headline for

I got Monster Hunter World on PC, so i’ll be playing through that again. I forgot how...interesting...the character creator can be.

I’m downloading the latest No Man’s Sky patch as I type this, so it seems finally time for me to give it another try. I haven’t played since the month after it launched. I did put about 20 hours in originally, so I’m in that grey area between having enough crap that it would be disappointing to lose it all by

Another week, another bit of Hyrule Warriors grinding.

If he truly were interested in PvP? He’d be playing galactic ruler in EVE Online or something.

Uhhh the Next update is massive, and improves virtually every aspect of the game. If you already liked it, you’ll like it even more. Just don’t turn on multiplayer if you don’t want to.

You know you can just turn the multiplayer off right? It’s entirely optional. Not sure why you would ditch the game entirely over an optional feature.

The griefers all sound like pretentious twats.

They are never “coming” that is why they are so angry.

Man when league stops being popular Riot is gonna tank so damn hard. 

They are the worst part of the game IMO. The game has enough layers of inconvenience as it is. Probably one too many

For the uninitiated,swatting is a harassment tactic low level form of attempted murder by cop. 

GMG has a client now?

Naaaah. But I’m hugely biased cause I have a Chevy SS with stick and a blower. lol