Ghost of Eazy E

It makes perfect sense:
Bigotry has become unacceptable in public largely, yet there are still millions of bigots out there. We elect a black President. The bigots want to call him Ni%%er, but known they shouldn't so they call him a socialist and all manner of other things they hate, yet do not understand. Then, a loud

They are though. Fewer than 50% of American voters voted for Trump

I make a lot of things on my own and or share with people I trust as well as have them do lots of primary source work.

Thanks. I have some of the best discussions here with you guys.

So, no answer then.

The KKK are terrorists, just like that Trump guy who ambushed those two police men

Trump Voters, serious questions:
a. How will nuclear proliferation make The US safer?
b. How will a 35% tariff nor cause inflation?
c. Why would a manufacturer not automate rather than employ people for a middle class wage (say 45k per year)?
d. You do realize that most black people do not live in the movie Escape from

Textbooks are for teachers who do not know the content or how to teach

Then why did NR, home of the classical liberal, refuse to support Trump?

In this case, it'd be The Loud and Ignorant Minority for Trump

Sort of like when people who share Trumps ideals threw rocks at kids being bused, huh?

How will nuclear proliferation make The US safer?

I was alive and we won The Cold War and thus liberated Eastern Europe. Sometimes you must stand-up to monsters like Putin

How do you know what groups turned out and for whom they voted?

It took me 15 years to pay off my loans and I worked in retail, warehouses, custodial, and so on (never making more than 8 bucks an hour) for 5 years. It can be done.

Your comment history.

There is no student loan crisis. My alma mater's tuition when adjusted for inflation is only 5% higher than it was when I graduated 20 years ago

How is she liberal? If anything, she is center right, it's just that she looks liberal when placed beside a Know-Nothing Throwback.

Fucking Barry!