@sam.cavasin: Maybe it is just me, but from the preview pictures, Honeycomb seems to be the first time I have really seen something look meant for tablets alone. Even iOS on the iPad still looks like a mobile OS.
@sam.cavasin: Maybe it is just me, but from the preview pictures, Honeycomb seems to be the first time I have really seen something look meant for tablets alone. Even iOS on the iPad still looks like a mobile OS.
@Roommate: EDIT:
in recent editions, Xubuntu has become more and more bloated, using only slightly less resources than the main GNOME version of ubuntu.
@Squalor: and the more intelligent android community
"in New York, LA, San Francisco, Philly, Boston, Chicago, DC, or South Florida and you like going out for food, "
@Seb B.: Jesus lord of orange skinned christ
What I gather from decent mac users are that you buy a mac for the build quality, touchpad, and what they seem to call "the feel".
That is generally the point of any hackintosh, isn't it not?
@markiz: Yes it can. Aslong as it runs compatible hardware I guess.
I wouldn't go with noise cancelling, and I really wouldn't go with bose.
Switched from the windows mentality to the linux mentality in the space of a couple of days.
EDIT: I completely misread your post. I wish I could delete my own posts.
Even sadder when you see that he is a recording engineer.
The comment is going through, it is in a moderation queue for people like us to promote. Please don't flood us with these posts please :P.
"The human ear can't really take advantage of much more anyway"
That isn't just your own opinion, most audiophiles would agree with that. The Beats are in the same league as Bose for overpriced headphones that rely on clever marketing.
"but with the marketing might of the modern music industry, there could soon be more audiophiles than ever."
@AnnexOne: The wireless signal lowers the sound quality.
@boobsandbacon: There are a few around.
Every interesting gizmodo article seems to be a reddit repost.