
edit: nm misunderstood. agreed!

For what it’s worth, it looks fucking terrible, like the dumpster baby of Skynet and Ed Hardy.

Sure. But composers with a lot of Kontakt sound libraries really did replace orchestral musicians for a lot of low and mid budget work. Much less session work goes on for film and tv soundtracks.

Yeah, it’s a very discernible look that will date very badly. And will also be dialed in for effect for decades to come, as “early AI art” will make people NOSTALGIC.

A shame artists don’t have as effective a union fighting for them. Times like this I really miss hearing from Neal Adams.

Every time I see someone impressed by “AI” “art”, it’s inevitably the most brain dead, uncreative person imaginable.

Wonder would make perfect sense for Mario to sound different, because the entire game is about Mario being unbelievably high

Unfortunately, your comment runs out of gas way before its end.

Tipped your hand - you’re either an imbecile, or a troll / agitator.

...except the “inmates” are already the ones “running the asylum”?

JUDGE: I will recommend probation for six months. All you have to do is STOP MAKING THAT FUCKING FACE.

Fandom is trash, is why. They are absolutely horrible custodians of the old wikia sites. They’re the ones that added autoplaying videos they made themselves to every wiki page on some (many? all?) wikis that takes up half the page on mobile. They’re the ones that steal all the content and keep running it in your

She got her dad’s cheekbones. Literally, he cut them out of his face and inserted them into hers.

No one on earth gives a shit about your judgmental opinions on others looks

I can’t wait until we get creator’s commentary track on these episodes, where The Weeknd and Sam Levinson explain how brilliant they are while audibly masturbating.

I honestly hate myself for watching this show. After about 5 minutes into this episode I had had enough and went to turn it off. But I didn’t. I am hoping this show ultimately has something to say other than serving for The Weeknd to live out his salacious creepo fantasties. I hope I am wrong, but I kinda feel this

Ashen was a mediocre, undercooked game with bad combat and a core concept that was p. much dead on arrival (and got worse due to atrocious companion AI) so yeah, let this one cook for a little longer.

I think Gao’s performance is pretty bad, especially when her previous recast in 2 (Jolene Andersen) was quite good, but voice acting in these new games has generally been spotty: you get all-timers like Lady Dimitrescu and Jack Baker but then you have Jeff Schine falling completely flat not just as Chris but also as

Metroidvanias have been one of the most popular genres of the past decade and Prime even tells you exactly where to go when you run around. It’s more friendly than any From Software game or even titles like Tunic or Hollow Knight in this regard.