@fskn: Ha. I guess I could've used a better analogy.
@fskn: Ha. I guess I could've used a better analogy.
The title should read "Google Goggles", instead of Google Googles.
@. . . . Ghostbuster: * "⸮" is used to denote sarcasm.
It's not like people have overreacted to events like this before⸮
@Einbrecher: The actual sarcasm/irony punctuation - ⸮
@OMG_cartman: You're asking the readers of a gadget blog if they have read Ender's Game?
@theimmc: No, this:
@KamWrex: I registered and received my pin vie email.
@Raziel: Why thank you.
@tekdotnu: That would be nice.
@tylerbrainerd: I think people are going overboard and making huge assumptions. It is probably for .gov sites and for verifying you are who you claim to be on the internet. How are they going to implement something like that for every website? Plus the internet is international. Not to mention the fact that hackers…
@darkanimematt: I dun goofed.
@. . . . Ghostbuster: I uploaded a small image, yet the commenting system stretched the width of all the posts. That stinks.
I get the feeling this isn't some oppressive 1984 style thing, but rather a way to secure your online identity. If anyone has had to fill out the FAFSA for financial aid for college, you have to register for a pin . This serves as a secure online identity so you can legally sign electronic documents.
Back in my day, we didn't have glass to make instruments. We had to bang rocks together.
Dude what the fuck? Your car just turned into a leopard!
When the fish jumped out of the water with the sun in the background, I had an eye-candy-gasm.
Ah yes. So you can finger on the go.
@DaveHCYJ: What about Win 2000?