Then what would gizmodo be?
Then what would gizmodo be?
@togden: I have a corn fetish.
water jets are sweet.
@limitless.opportunity: *Facepalm*
@diabeetis: Fucking miracles.
At first I thought the title was just thinly veiled innuendo.
I walk in parallelograms.
There was an article on Gizmodo a while back asking commenters what scheme they use for naming wi-fi, someone actually said they do this. That's probably some Gizmodo readers wi-fi.
@imiss2xwishbones: Holy crap.
Watching season 13 of the UK Top Gear right now. I'm interested to see whether Top Gear in the US succeeds or not.
@dsprehe89: If you say something good, helpful, or if you are regularly awesome.
@XKobbra: Holy Shit.
I can choose songs to play inside you?
@JHyphen: Yeah, I tested it in chrome when I made it.
@Settings: It is interesting though, when I changed my name/avatar, I went from 10ish followers to over 40.
@Settings: My star is very recent. I got it after I changed my name/avatar from Xterm11 to Ghostbuster.
That's no bottle opener...