@Curves: Look out the window.
This title is very misleading. "ATI Rebranded" (or something similar) would have been more appropriate.
@KTope: Oh my god! You're right!
@Tony Kaye: Shhh...
@KTope: But what if there is poison in the prescription? No way I'll take it.
Woah, Deja vu!
Woah, Deja vu!
Woah, Deja vu!
@KamWrex: Well I was just answering your question.
@methinkso: Now you're thinking creatively!
The six million dollar fly.
@Jakelshark: While eating mac and cheese?
@KamWrex: Most people with cell phones.
@presto117: Keillor?
@reader: The could use a crane or cherrypicker.
What is that police box doing on top of a building at MIT?