. . . . Ghostbuster

@Zool SD: Duck tape? Do you mean Duct tape?

A consumer-level 3D camera? No thanks. They're bad enough in 2D. Can you imagine watching jittery out of focus video in 3D? Id be afraid of my eyes turning backwards into my skull and my brain exploding because the video's focal length is all over the place while I'm trying to focus on the subject.

@blueeddie: The iBook: new from Apple, with an new revolutionary component called pages! Now you can physically turn pages with your hands, that's right — the pages are in 3D! But that's not all, the iBook doesn't require any power! You can take your iBook on the go without fear of loosing charge.

@Dilpickle v1.3.1: Barnes & Noble would become a lot more humid and green.

@Rosa Golijan: @tineras: @I Think We're Property: @brijazz: @Applerain: Ahhhh! Star overload! Let me help dim the brightness of this thread.

@. . . . Xterm11: I am sorry, but this drawing is defective, as it only has 7 legs. My apologies. Please return the old drawing in return for this update. Thank you.

I value this drawing of spider at 50 million dollars, this is my bid.

@QMurphy: The point here is that two opposite identical lasers are needed. I.E. same wavelength both sides, cancelling out.

Is this really that useful? It honestly seems more of a gimmick than anything. The only use I can see for this is using gestures with the fingers wrapped around the edge of the tablet on the back, although I'm not so sure of its usability.

I was at Airventure. Yay me!

@goldentreesang: Maybe if you are vibrating at a couple KHz up and down as you walk. Or you could hop to class.

This. Is. Awesome.

@Geisrud: Probably. Plus, I'm a minor, soooo.... yeah.

Sweet Madison WI... Not that I'll be going.

Oh, brother...

So... everything is still fake?

If you put an infinite number of cats with typewriters in a box for an infinite amount of time, they might produce the script for Hamlet.

@Wayne Patnode: Nope, it doesn't reflect all light, so once it heats up, it warps and reflects less and less, heating up more and more.