
For some reason her line about “we might’ve been there (brunch diner)at the same time” is the most horrifying line of the episode.

You might not be a racist (I don’t know David Cross so I can’t say), but you did do a racist thing at least that one time.

Which in turn raises the question of, if the man in black wanted a REEEEEEAL! experience, why didn’t he just go to Shogun World instead of dicking around in Westworld for thirty years?

Did you mention the episode where McGuirk tries to learn how to be a bartender? Oh man...

“And that’s how I met ... your aunt Arwen.”

I just can’t figure how Luke went from believing that his father, one of the most notorious and monstrous murderers in the history of the galaxy, was capable of redemption to where we saw him when he decided to kill Kylo.

In addition to that, I think a lot of the magic from the first 3 seasons came from chemistry/interactions between the extremely talented cast and when they’re not even in the same room for a season... it was just sad.

It’s actually his twin brother who smokes pot and has a glorious head of hair.

It was AaronRoss Marquand as the Red Skull.

I really miss the days of Disqus where everyone could block dipshits like you.

...oh, I get it. Your gimmick is like a parody of a left-wing sophist? That’s a good one, but it makes me miss accounts like repostedA7Xfan.

Yes, she did. The joke was something along the lines of how she never got sexually harassed, but instead got fucked by the entire company.

...what? Yes she did.

“She even invoked the financial crisis of 2008, during which, Wolf said, she worked at Bear Stearns: ‘That whole company went down on me without my consent.’”

Surprise, surprise, the AV Club’s #1 concern troll takes issue with calling out concern trolls.

She didn’t insult her appearance at all. If you think she did that’s on you and you’re buying into what these assholes want you to believe. Her use of “perfect smoky eye” was saying that it was created from the ashes of truth burning and that was it in regards to appearance.

To those concern trolls out there ready to spam every thread in this comment section, the Fascist in Chief and his cronies were going to throw a shitfit about this regardless. Bipartisanship was not going to spring back into exsistamce if she didn’t make those jokes and Republicans were not going to instantly turn

Somehow I find hearing Jon Benjamin and Ron Lynch’s voice in the same scene oddly soothing, even if Lynch barely gets three lines.

I love how the new trend with emotionally fragile Trump cultists is for every joke at the president’s expense to be replied to with “TRUMP WILL WIN IN 2020 NOW BECAUSE YOU HURT MY FEELINGS!” It happens literally every time someone dunks on the orange idiot, so about once a day.

Fun fact: