
Eating crappy food all the time (even if you enforce portion control to limit calorie intake and promote weight loss) is still eating crappy food. A steady diet of crappy fatty junk food (such as pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner every night) does more to people then make them gain weight.

It clogs your

Hedy Lemarr opened a door, and science walked through it.

"Dining with Nazi generals, Lamarr not only learned about the latest submarines and missiles but also the problems with them: notably the challenge of guiding a torpedo by radio, and shielding the signal from enemy interference."

Now that's my kind of woman. Smart, beautiful, and familiar with explosives.

I'd say in certain situations it's perfectly acceptable to encourage 'illegal' behaviour. Obviously Innovatio are able to get away with it thus far, so maybe those capable of being able to hit them, and hit them hard should be invited to step in.