
62,984,828 million people voted for the orange haired game show host.

You do realize a good number of those people must have voted for Obama in order for him to have won twice in a row, right?

So, perhaps lay off on the bullshit judgement and start thinking about how we as a country can come together to overcome the

Nice over generalization. Calling out racism is good. I’m the first to call someone out if they act like a racist douche nozzle.

What I am opposed to the article TITLE which makes it read like everyone who has every identified as conservative and/or voted republican in the last 80 years must be racist. And that’s just

First, I’m no fan of Trump.

I’m center-left. I could go down the list of my political beliefs and verify that for the angry mob, but I suspect it would be waste of time.

Garland: you are correct, pointing out racism is a good thing, and it should be exposed wherever it rears its ugly head. My point is I didn’t like

I’m kind of pissed that splinternews has straight up ignored the candidacy of Andrew Yang.

“I don’t want Biden to run because he’s old and needs to retire.”

Careful, your ageism is showing.

If Biden wants to run, I say let him run. Biden competently and honorably served two terms as vice president of the United States.

President Obama wouldn’t have picked him to be his running mate and he certainly wouldn’t

45% of the voting population will vote against Trump.
45% of the voting population is all in for Trump no matter what.

That leaves 10% of the voting population that will decide who gets to be the next POTUS. This has actually been the case for all national presidential elections going back at least since the mid 1990's.

I’m going to say, the editors and writers at Splinter news because, fuck them and their clickbait articles that are specifically designed to stir up and create divisions between people simply for the art of getting people angry so they will read their shitty articles. We should all be working together to solve our

In a recent Gallup poll, some 54% of democrats indicated they wanted the party to go in a more moderate direction.

Biden will get the nomination..

“Far be it from me, a hack writer who grasps desperately at anything resembling a trend so that I may fulfill my daily quota of bullshit.”

Gets ready to open mouth.. “No, too easy, way too easy.”

I’d like to see splinter to stop shitting on moderate democrats. I know, its not going to happen. Why, because splinter’s editors are mean spirited jerks.

The rules for US presidential elections have been the same since like, 1787 right?

Other democrats have won the presidency under those rules. Remember Obama? He won twice under those rules as I recall.

Presumably Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both also understood and agreed to play by those same rules for the 2016

Remember the late 1990s?

As a member of Generation-X, I had a front row seat to the show. Let me set the stage. The year was 1998.

We had a Democrat in the White House, a Democrat controlled senate and a newly elected republican majority in the house of representatives that got cocky and thought they could remove

Oh, Biden has a good shot.

A recent Quinnipiac poll had a whopping 54% of democrats identified themselves to be either moderate or conservative. They also tended to be older, working class and pro union.

You want to know what percentage of the actual population makes up the vocal online activists community that the

I know, they are as a group generally, a bunch of censorious fools who can’t handle anyone who doesn’t pass their ideological purity tests posting anything against the approved narrative.

The thing is, since I know this site along with the rest of GMG has been sold off to a private equity firm, some serious layoffs


“Someone expressed a viewpoint I don’t agree with! Quick shut them down now!! I can’t deal with people who don’t reinforce my strongly held biases and beliefs!”

You do know that someone expressing a different point of view from one which you agree with does not trolling make right?

Silly me, I forgot Splinternews

There is another dimension to this that will be hard for some on here to understand.

Mr. Crockett:

I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you aren’t always an asshole. Maybe in your real life you are genuinely kind to your fellow human beings. However, what you are doing here in this instance, smearing Ms. Owens, with this hack hit piece, is definitely asshole behavior.
Shame on you.

The irony of a pro-socialist, anti-capitalist social justice blogger railing againts “freeloaders” is not lost on me.

This kind of pedantic arguing over the meaning of words and the impact of words on people is why nobody outside of the radical social justice left likes your average radical social justice leftist. You guys are way too uptight about fucking everything. This idea that words are the same as acts of physical violence

I mean, not that its going to quash the angry conspiracy theory laden commentary that fills the kinja comment section when a story like this breaks, but I think the DOJ’s response to the Independent Counsel investigator’s off the record complaints and the press peanut gallery as a whole is both fair and reasonable in