MV Majors

Well, Earth is spinning on its axis, as well as orbiting the sun, which in turns is in a death spiral towards the black hole in the middle of the galaxy that is spinning around other galaxies in the local cluster. Relative to an absolute reference frame, we’re moving (scientifically speaking) fast as fuck.

I was at a car show and the GMC Sierra’s opened tailgate was basically at shoulder/head level. You’ll need shoulder surgery real quick if you’re actually using your truck to haul stuff. Luckily, these suburban dad-bros don’t need to that often and real laborers and tradesman drive work vans with hip-level or

In college, a buddy and I took a road trip from Atlanta to New Orleans. Rule #1 was driver controls the radio and Rule #2 was that if you ripped one, you admit it by rolling down the windows. The window immediately rolled down.

For something like this, what does insurance cover, or doesn’t cover?

Thanks for the scoop. I’ve been waffling back-and-forth between the two, but have yet to test-drive them.

Haha. I’ll hit you up sometime in the coming spring. Looking to buy a gently used BMW 4-series or Audi A5.

You know what would be useful, a car-buying service that (for a fixed fee) would look up all these services for you, help you narrow your choices, and find you the the best (or close to best) deal for the vehicle you want. What do you think?

Comes with a “revving” function for your electric motor.

The Venn Diagram of Harley riders and cyclists are two circles in separate galaxies.  $3500 is pretty steep for an e-bike that doesn’t yet have a footprint in the market space. 

You can get a 2017 Infinity Q50 for under $20k. RWD or AWD, and the 2.0t should be OK on gas.

That’s not true, as ALL rocket companies (other than SpaceX) operate that way. There has been NUMEROUS studies about the cost/benefit of reusable rockets, and most have concluded that it’s cheaper to fly new rockets every time. That was the reason the Space Shuttle program was eventually doomed, because the cost of

SpaceX has been a revolutionary company in the industry, but its viability is still up for debate. It’s a private company, so its financials can’t be scrutinized like a publicly traded one. My worry is that SpaceX, and Tesla, runs on the “cult of personality” of Musk. When he’s gone (or goes to Mars or a commune in

Like recovery hooks, red is the only color that guarantees functionality.

If you have a good process, then quality should be independent of the skill or judgment of the operator. Only in rare instances (a manual weld, for example) where the skill or judgment of the operator should come into play.

This times a million. For mass-produced vehicles, assembly is science, engineering, process improvement, logistics, human behavior science, robotics, chemistry, and a bunch of other factors rolled in. “Craftsmanship” is largely a marketing gimmick.

I’m sure no one has figured out paint cure time for the most popular vehicle ever sold.

What many people don’t realize is that many manufacturers use the same suppliers. It’s interesting to see the inherent bias from auto journalists (and normal dummies like me) when they praise a certain interior or transmission from certain companies, but crap on these items from others, even though they are literally

I don’t think that’s feasible given the production rates of these vehicles. They go through quality checks throughout the manufacturing process, and some vehicles get selected at random to go through more detailed testing. The key is to minimize the probability of defects by testing at key points, whether at final

Having been at an auto manufacturing facility, I would guess that if given the option, the specific time when the car was manufactured is probably more important than the day of the week. Although it takes about 24 hrs for a car to go through final assembly, I would guess human operations take about half of that.

Agreed. Would be fairly simple to make. They even give you the dimensions, so you can just copy that without guessing.