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Wow, the whole point of the article went right over your head.

"The Ultimate comic only sells about 100,000 copies a month" What the hell are you talking about? That would be a huge number, right around what Superior usually sells.

Are there any games of this type out there that are actually decently made and fun to play? I would definitely play something like Clash of Clans or Game of War if the game was any good. I used to play persistent browser games like this that were mostly text based... 20 years ago. There were some good ones that

Looks like it might be the ultimate NCP (Nic Cage Performance) but Wicker Man will always be the ultimate NCM.

People thought Riddick was the hero? I guess the sequels/marketing could have made you think that, but that's not what I took away from Pitch Black the first time I saw it.

I think you could make the same case for Will Turner & Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean - a lot of similarities in the first movies of

"However, piracy of e-books is not such a problem" - This is really wrong. As a small-time, niche writer using Amazon's self publishing platform, my books will be on every file sharing site around. If I were a mainstream, highly published author, you could cut that time frame down to under 24 hours. I've seen

I said I wasn't going to buy any more Early Access games, but this looks great and I want to support the developer... hmmm...

Not in the modern world.

Was I the only one thinking of this guy? It would have been a lot more entertaining.

This is Creed of Assassins game, yeah?

Playing the alpha of a new multiplayer game that is really Epic...

I think, at this point, it's pretty much a given that the future is going to be a dystopia, yeah? So it's all about whose going to be pulling the strings on our grandkids.

This was dumb thing to say, you silly goose.

I always thought the 13 in Warehouse's title was pretty much admitting the Ft13:TS connection.

How is Grimm on it's 3rd or 4th season on NBC Fridays, but Constantine is just about dead already? Shouldn't Constantine come with a built-in fanbase bigger than whoever is watching Grimm?

Very useful, thank you!