Ghengis Kim, Maruading Mongol of Love

What is your opinion on the higher-end brands (Evanger's, Merrick's, etc) canned dog foods? I haven't done as much research, but it seemed like hand-packed chunks of meat, veg, and some supplements, cooked in can, would be okay....but I worry.

What's your dog's normal kibble, if I can be super nosy? My pup loved Fromm's at first, but seemed to get tired of it after a bag. I got her to eat by putting 1/4 can of wet food (Evanger's) on top of the kibble, until the abscess in her mouth got too big, got taken to surgery, and then she got a soft food only diet.

A local (expensive!) indie pet store bakes their own (expensive!) dog cookies, with human grade ingredients, listed right on the case...they all smell absolutely delicious.

Gotta be the same dudes who sit in strip clubs/dance bars, and don't tip the naked ladies.

I tried to go see a dietician, for weight gain, and it was basically an hour long "LetMeGoogleThatForYou" farce. LifeHacker had food color wheel graphic that was more helpful. The woman literally handed me printouts from and the US Food whatever website. She was perplexed that I wanted a healthy diet

It is not unreasonable for someone to charge a $500 pattern creation fee for a custom item. That said, one measurement/patterning session for your basic 'building' block will let you make unlimited clothes to your fit. With an experienced person, you could get a custom shirt made in 2-4 hrs, for under $100, that will

I venture we are afraid our friends, our likability, are finite, and we will lose too many, too soon, and wind up with no one

Oh no honey, not '12 years out of fashion', no, think 'pre-vintage'. We would ALL be so lucky to be out of fashion, in perpetuity. True fashion ended sometime in the 60s, when everyone decided to wear what they want. Its no longer a hand down cycle of royalty, rich, regular folks, rags, where fashion really DID turn

Having been broke most of my life, that's shaky advice. SOME things at the Dollar Store are ok, depending where you live. Most of the time, it's worth saving up a few dollars to get something real. There will be surprises, like the Betty Crocker $1 kitchen scissors that are great (until you snap the handles off) but

Amen. I thought Washington, DC was expensive, before I moved to the Front Range. Boulder is just expensive in slightly different ways...

Making cords for hand carved antique ivory pendants. Which will hopefully sell as necklaces, to people who want to give me lots of money. This is the start of my entrepreneurial empire, by which I will crush the part-time job scourge! (If I have the ability, napping to compensate for sleep dep...)

I've got the oversized reprints, my 'originals', and I love to reread them. Also, the novel/short story collections. I'm under 30

I searched out this article because the LH and Gawker video ads keep screwing up my system, and those drop down full screen shoe ads are awful.

"But if you're running a marathon—WITH CANCER—you can pretty much wear whatever you want. Crop tops, tutus, loafers decorated with poop emoji."

Unless MSG makes you sick, or you are allergic. Cutting out MSG cut out a lot of my partner's stomach problems. Similarly, there's "nothing wrong" with sugar substitute...except I can tell when I've been 'tricked' into consuming it, because I wind up with a migraine. The day I had a college teacher director tell me to

So much jealousy. Can I come to your house for a weekend, and learn to knit history from wool? I once made a Revolutionary war wool vest (for a redcoat) from a French Revolution pattern....MacGyver!

I derive great pleasure from sorting and order, but mostly for OTHER people's things. I like my own things to be organized, but if I'm the only one who sees's not the same as showing off what you've done for a friend's clutter. So I'm available as a freelance organizer/sorter, and would totally trade skills

Adorable! That's how it started, super happy, super excited, often licky hugs. And since it's "bad" to jump up, we just ask her to wait (self control) and when WE are ready, we tell her "OK, be bad!" so that we have it on cue for when it's appropriate. She's a puppy, so she's not 100% on cue, but the same process was

My cute little lab/collie mix does that, but only now that she's bigger! If she REALLY misses you, she waits til you hit the couch, jumps up into your lap, and climbs her forepaws to your shoulders, for cuddles and licks. She also frequently puts her head on our necks.

Bah humbug, harrumph, and rabble rabble! The 'system' actually works quite well for its intended purpose; making money for the people who run the system. There is an interesting experiment around here, where you pay a monthly fee to be part of a sort of health club, with as much access to doctors as you like, as long