You sound like someone who yells at waiters
You sound like someone who yells at waiters
You’re asking why General “Thunderbolt” Ross is required for a movie called Thunderbolts?
The Harldy Boys in: The Mystery of the Missing Editor
I don’t even care about the blood storyline in particular, I just hate that all the issues were resolved offscreen. Especially when Jen specifically talks about what the stakes are supposed to be. It’s like “my life fell apart just as I was learning to be both She-Hulk and Jen" but then cut to her life being fine…
I’ve never heard of this movie before. Why hasn’t there been any posts about it?
Right, I had someone tell me today that it won’t sway any conservatives and...were they going to watch this? Of course not.
I do think it can be edifying for people who want to do well but feel confused, and rightfully so given the dreck NY Times runs, but by and large: sometimes you’re okay with a good old fashioned…
I won’t lie, the glee in seeing such a worthless human being called out for bigotry. Fuck that lady and fuck yeah for Stewart.
Try scraping off your thin veneer of edgelord and maybe then you can acknowledge that this would be cool even if it wasn’t branded in that way.
Overwrought metaphor sucks and there is a lot of room for the more straightforward grindhouse delights. That said, I'm not a fan of the backlash against "elevated horror". That backlash generally feels pretty ignorant and unnecessarily edgelord.
Chose violence today, did we?
I know they needed her to be in hulk form for the moment where she decides she’s good with being “just Jen” and turns back, but it was kind of a bummer the CGI hid her performance a bit there--I’m just imagining how much more powerful it would be with her actual face. Agree that she still knocked that scene out of the…
if she takes the relaxation thing into her life in future episodes, though, trying to learn to love “just Jen”, that would be interesting. i’m enjoying it and look forward to seeing whatever it is they do, but that would be an interesting turn either way.
This retro-casting of Mulaney as a “wife guy” confuses me because the first time I remember him mentioning his wife was when he was explaining that they finally got married because she kept complaining about it. Then he compared marrying her to buying a cow for five minutes.
And Ryan Reynold’s brand is built around him…
I’m single and in my mid thirties and found her anxiety over a promising budding relationship suddenly not texting back incredibly relatable. As far as the “high school dating guidance” the things the people in support group were saying were probably all things Jen knew already, but are those kind of things that when…
Breaking News: TV Show About Woman Written By Woman Fails To Satisfy Man
There were a couple of Bon Jovi songs that did. Also, on MTV, they played Living on a Prayer every hour for a week. It wasn’t just rotation, it was advertised.
Ten-year-old me bought the single, ”on cassette, of course” and played it over and over again for a month. I still remember every verse word for word.
This how bored are people line of questioning is misguided, as the most generous reading.
You're right.