Bam Sarbanti

You want a great example of obvious friends and family writing reviews (or just the creator) check out Diamond Cobra vs The White Fox on imdb

Well that’s dumb.

So these jackasses got to heckle a comedian AND got their money back.

His Patrick Bateman bit had me rolling on the floor laughing out loud.

Apple sure is cornering the “A-listers in meh shows” market. 

Excuse me, he was just now in Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon, which was in Netflix’s top ten movies for like a whole day!

Never even heard of Patriot, but I’m going to give it a watch. 

It’s a crime that this show never took off. 

Does he have a giant penis?

Even episode 4?

What? People didn’t like the ending of Game of Thrones?

That’s clearly Seth Green

Hot take! We got a hot take over here!

I actually really liked this show, I recorded every episode on vhs. I was a happy 12 year old. 

And my axe!

Jesse Plemmons with a shaved head looks a whole lot like Michael Rooker.

I’ll watch it for Mike Flanagan.

Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon also has a fun bit about the killer only walking when the victims see him. Robert England is in that too!

It’s been pretty well known that this guy is just an asshole. Hence his career being reduced to ultra low budget straight to redbox movies. 

My friends and I practically played the Armageddon soundtrack on a loop.