Bam Sarbanti

2Dragon: Electric prequel

Weird battle.


Why are we still talking about a movie that came out a while ago that was basically aggressively mediocre?

Shut up, Wesley!

I might have really misread a comment earlier, but did you create AV Club?

Sometimes I type Sean O’Neal 3 times in the hope that he’ll come back.

What a dumb fucking article.

She’s as much of an asshole as anyone she’s talking about.

Oh so you’re an idiot.

The first season was. And made the smart decision of putting Jared Harris in the lead. 

Ain’t no rule that says houses can’t play basketball.

Someone on Twitter correctly said, “Yeah, Bill. That’s just called hanging out with someone.”

I guess good things happen to those who rape.

I think it’s pretty evident that he doesn’t act like that in real life around people seeing as he’s still alive.

I don’t know if I know anyone who has so many people wanting them to kill themselves as much as Recoegnitions. I sure hope it happens though.

A single season of TV is more able to actually adapt a book. If you don’t understand that, then maybe you’re an idiot?

Bone and All was so incredibly overrated. I’m down with the rest of this list though. Especially Mandy.

I just don’t understand the Army’s motivation here. Why kidnap people and force them to join you. Surely people will do that on their own with the promise of food, room and board. Sending a helicopter for one nearly dead, small town sheriff rings false. Then again, the show had been fucking stupid and repetitive the

If you don’t understand the difference between gratuitous sex and a well choreographed fight then what are you even doing here?