
Can we talk about how Ross is becoming a silver fox? Girl looks good.

People that think this was for ratings are possibly unaware that Maddow’s ratings have been jumping up by a ton in the last six months. She doesn’t need the ratings. The format of the show was EXACTLY how she does it every single night. For fuck’s sake, guys. Can we stop making enemies out of people who are actually

“Illegal” here just means “things that Trump doesn’t like”.

“Kansas Lawmaker Reveals He Knows Little To Nothing About History or Human Biological Science”

Yep. Them’s hands that Scarlett O’Hara would be proud of. Never seen a hard day of work in his damn life.

No, Sis has that song about swinging from a chandelier. But that’s a solid point because I love that Robyn song too!

I mean, her namesake was pretty supportive of repro rights too, if my memory is correct.

Only if he wears that giant blonde wig.

I feel like this is the “I’m dancing because I’m sad and damaged” song that Sia did a couple years ago but I’m still going to play the fuck out of it.

Listening to this on the way to work this morning was not the best way to start the day. So much a giant rageball in my chest.

I tried to embed a tweet from Issa that summed up my reaction but I am techno-dumb and it didn’t work.

I don’t even think they really give a fuck about trans people existing, but they know that the concept of transsexual identity is new to many people and it creeps them out so they can use that fear and discomfort to their advantage. Because they get to earn “standing up for the right thing” points when they wage these

I’m mostly aloof about Matthews but by god did I love his patented rapid fire method in this setting.

I would give my left arm to go drinking with Hills. Especially now because she is probably way deep into a (30 year overdue) No Fucks Left To Give phase. Also, I don’t remember why I think this but I have the impression that she has an appreciation for Booze That Is Good.

Good. Milo is trash and so is anyone who supports him. This video has been out for a while, or at least talk of it has been.

FUCKING THANK YOU. That has also bugged me since that stupid song was released.


I was chatting with my bff while listening to this and I was like “I have no idea how I would even begin to cover this if I were a journo.” WHAT IS EVEN THIS WORLD.

I liked how before she went to the camp thing she was like “i’m just going to run my face off on the treadmill and be super skinny!” and then when she got there they were like “oh yeah, we don’t do that. sorry babe.” I HATE the story line with the creepy dude that’s hitting on her. If she sleeps with that dude I might