
I am glad to hear it. His last few specials have been truly mediocre or bad, and, despite not liking him as a person, I think he is unique and special as as a comedian. I wanted him back. (Not like this! But still.)

Strictly speaking, “certain politicians choose to not make changes” means, “It would be crazy to punish American pharmaceutical companies for spending tons of money innovating which, in a long view, increases quality and quantity of life. They deserve a period of reaping capital for their work, and it is likely good

His WCW days remain so underrated, and I thank Brandon Stroud for resurrecting my desire to experience Heenan on the WWE Network. I have high hopes for Corey Graves, as he has the consistent logic of Ventura and the barbs of Heenan. However, The Brain could also sell a story better than any promo in the business, and

I’ve loved his “remixes on previous works” the best, so if this is Bernanos/Bresson and Bergman, I’m ready.

I read every answer except for not liking the Bible thinking, “Are Jay and I actually BEST FRIENDS?!?!”, so I’ll confirm that you should go with pretentious.

I also really enjoyed this (sincere) example of “internet-y” people coming to terms with his awfulness. If people of this era need to have emotional distance from everything, this is probably the best version of it.

How did that not make the record, right? It fit well enough and could have been the awesome, safe pop single. Good pull, GIK!

Taiga remains 1 of my top 5 albums of all-time, but the production, drum work, and variety of songcraft on this album makes this stunning, too. It’s just enough true darkness and noise that it buoys, rather than obscures, the pure power and pop adjacent to it. Exhumed, Siphon, and Doma/Home are the best tracks, so

These comments sections have remained so lively!

It is seriously disheartening how a lot of people happy that the previous systems are torn down run straight into the arms of their own fundamentalism. But it is not surprising to religion or sociology nerds!

I think you're making your own counterpoint incredibly clearly, unfortunately. Everywhere, but especially in politics, a very effective way to get what you want is to bundle a controversial thing with a good thing and an anodyne thing with a bad thing. So, instead of an estate tax, you get a death tax. Instead of an

I do think Sonic The Hedgehog is really solidly designed. If you have ever watched skilled players, they do not start and stop that often, or it's with intent, like in hockey.

Univision Versus Worthwhile Content: Loser Leaves Town!

For people who read newspapers and do not talk in cliches, it's true. Forgiven, though.

My cousin has among the coolest career paths that I can imagine. Magic trick consultant for, among others, David Copperfield… , award-winning toy inventor, not-award-winning children's television show creator, Andrew Yang AND RuPaul doll designer, lighting director for 6 Flags parades, and

Oh, wow, I had no idea that they kept going past the ITV days! I thought that show was a perfect balance of mystery and talking shop.

I hit a couple of big ones, Stevenson's Treasure Island and Lewis' The Chronicles Of Narnia, in 3rd and 4th grades, but I otherwise agree! I am glad that it exists, but I definitely believe purely in 2 stages of life; anything else is just a shade of the other 2.

This is basically true, to me. A book can be focused inward, mapping how a child comes to be an adult and what type of adult he or she becomes, or it can be outward, describing the lack of control one feels over the world at this time.

Ha! I think it was the opponent of those people who ran character formation out of schooling's essentials. People have done such a good job for 500 years of eroding shared worldviews. When the mid-1900s onward failed to produce anything to replace what they tore down, this is what you get. It remains frustrating to