I agree with your minor level of pedantry! If anything, it's like Art Of Fighting 1/Fist Of Dragon And Tiger 1, but it's also more like bad flash animation.
I agree with your minor level of pedantry! If anything, it's like Art Of Fighting 1/Fist Of Dragon And Tiger 1, but it's also more like bad flash animation.
She's the legitimate best comedian from Australian for the past 5 years, minimum, so it's a joy to see her get success here. (I would love for her to get her own show back home, if not here.)
I'm also on your positivity for this being a decent transitional Raw, but let's not defend Big Show.
No, I think you're right! Orton's only social media presence for awhile was kayfabe complaining about the rematch clause every time someone else used it for "his" championship. I'm calling it canon!
I hear you, but I think the mainstream crowd likes Banks enough that the dismissal rang as hollow. Like, Kevin Owens gives Zayn NOTHING, but it's okay, because we know Zayn rules, so we hate Owens for using something true (Zayn is injured and Owens has momentarily triumphed) to slide in something false, mean, and bad…
Yeah, I have no love for Cameron, but that plot point didn't actually happen, even if Ashcroft isn't just settling scores.
Yeah, I don't think Sony is kicking Bjork's butt to be more commercial just because they distribute 1 Little Indian internationally.
The League Of Gentlemen/Psychoville/Inside Number 9
Tales Of The Unexpected
Robin Redbreast
The Stone Tape
Black Mirror
I was terrified that I remembered that commercial when they got to that bit. What valuable piece of information lost out to remembering those 30 seconds?
Pamuk's 1 of 5 living fiction or poetry writers I genuinely admire and respect, and even though 2 out of 4 isn't bad, I'm sad that you didn't love the others. I see you like the deftness of his formal, technical writing skills. Try his Dickens-like new one out this year!
So, I'm conservative and religious, so there's so little in high and low culture that really speaks to me that I'm easy for stuff that does and generally "appreciate" more than "adore" the stuff that doesn't. Among the former, the show Rev., led me to like Miles Jupp, specifically his radio (now television) show, In…
He was my hometown congressman before redistricting/I went to college and he and his wife are somehow not douches in person. I suspect the gene is in them somewhere, and I say this as somehow who LOVED Road Rules and the pre-institutional episodes of this show.
Are those close to you part of a union? I come from a factory town, and hooooo boy! They hate them!
And there are conservative political organizers! It's true! (Mostly as parts of religious groups, but still.)
I meant, that's not, I mean….
Naw, it really doesn't. To them, it represents nonprofit work that never actually creates leaders in the community and replaces the things that they do respect and thinks government should protect/reward: religious institutions, philanthropy, education, and volunteering.
Johann fricking Johannsson! https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Let me change that to "games in general." It's my 4th favorite ever, and definitely the only in the top 5 that I enjoy for its absolute dedication to fun.