All of the great social movements had their forebears, underpraised because latter leaders culminated the movement with victory.
All of the great social movements had their forebears, underpraised because latter leaders culminated the movement with victory.
I think Lord Huron has 3 strong versions of the same song on their latest album (which is, itself, similar to an earlier song, The Stranger, from their 2nd E.P.). Now, that's value!
It's not just that Boom has "female comics" or "comics that happen to have feminine aspects to them." It's that they're very specific in their femininity. What people like about the creators' television work is not that they're kids' stuff, but that they're unique stuff that happens to be for kids, which is rare.
I recalled that while typing it. Fail upward! Always!
That being Deradoorian, Royal Headache, Ghost, or Phon.O?
Almost no one born in 1992 or after will understand this joke, and that's a tragedy.
Supposedly, she had 2 EPs ready to go…and now she's disappeared again. *sigh* (Amazing username, by the way.)
I'm guilty of the same. Rustie actually came to Milwaukee after I traveled to Detroit to see him (and my 2nd best friend) because why would he come closer? He played almost all new songs, and there was this 1 track that blew my mind. "After the misstep of Green Language, he's back!" I posted it on Facebook saying as…
21:… ("until the morning light" UCK, my least favorite unnatural pop trope)
I mean, Jepsen's voice is anonymous and she's a soon-to-be-30-year old writing in the voice of a 17-year old, and not in a "character" way. *shrugs* Why her? She's just some woman. (Or is that the appeal, with the whole Canadian Idol thing? "That could be me! I grew up in the 1990s, too!")
Separate but related, since you're a J-pop fan:
I agree that genre wars are dumb, and I didn't mean to make it about that. I'm just insisting that Jepsen's not fitting your/my tastes intentionally. Shoot, the man from Pentatonix who really likes Sophie is more likely to do something innovative with the same sounds than Jepsen is.
It's not vaporwave, which does something with the synth choices, tone, and beats of muzak.
She was the only part of Dirty Projectors I liked, so I'm cool with this. The L.P. is a standout, even if it's nothing like her previous projects. Alex actually did a really nice of detailing why it's worth listening to whether the genres sound interesting or not.
La Parka is still wrestling, but he shows where dancing gets you.
Indeed, although hopefully getting repackaged. It's so weird that Johnny Curtis and whatever Disco Inferno was before Disco Inferno could WORK and SELL, and they get gimmicks that hamper that.
As much as I love this discussion, Harper belongs on this list. WORLD CLASS.
The video game is an abomination that Alighieri would have used as motivation to stick Visceral Games' directors in hell, were they not already there for their creation of Dead Space.
Bonus points for the correct use of "immaculate conception."
It's not considered a prophecy, especially because it would make no sense in the context of the song.