
I am so happy right now. I got up early to see all the deets. Luckily this video was bit more informative than the other stuff.

I'm gonna call it now.

I'm 20 years old and I don't care about built in Pandora, i-Heart radio, social network connectivity, or any of that stupid crap. Just give me an amplifier in the head unit for my speakers and a screen for my phone to do its thing and I will supply myself with whatever I want with no extra crap features I'll never use.

what I would give to try and call notes for stages like this

shoutout to all the Polish people that came on this article just because they saw a mały Fiat

Renault, we know your name is forever doomed in the US marketplace, but can we have this car as a Nissan please?

Wait, so this guy, who's job it is to (I assume) stalk other peoples rides, decides to literally harass someone and videotape them without their permission, then gets upset and STREET RACES to catch up to them so he can film them at a gas station or something?

BMW guy probably didn't use his turn signal. Typical.

The way Ferrari's car is going, this is the closest to pole Alo will get this season.

Now playing

This is what the hell happened to that Lamborghini in London...

A locomotive stuck on rails in the left lane lol

"All traffic was going the same speed, moving over would have done nothing for anyone and it was the lane I needed to be in for where I was going as my exit was coming up on the left in a few miles."

It doesn't matter if she was doing the speed limit, or going 100 over speed limit. Left lane is for PASSING! It's a universal law. Exists in every single country (different in RHD market of course). Unless there is bumper-to-bumper traffic in every lane or you plan to make a left turn, GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE!

Like anyone needs another reason to avoid New Jersey.

Poor Volvomino. That was such a wonderful way to spend $300.

Track Day Cars: